Friday, May 20, 2016

Complete Capture for Valentine's Day Sessions w/Silas Featuring Mystery Lady (1993)

Not entirely complete as the process runs now but the tracks are being imported from a CD we recorded twenty-three years ago and don't be thinking it's all sweet stuff as at least half of it is full-out rock.  Silas is very much the band for this and is pleased as punch to have done it because here's the music back now and some it I thought had gone to dust.

All from the Valentine's Day Session are now loaded AIFF quality to iTunes and I'm even thinking since Silas is generally subdued, it could possibly slam to try to add another track to "Gimme Shelter" with the one we made twenty-three years ago.  That trip is seriously unstuck in time but it's even more seriously trippin' if it works.  All recording has been digital and even digital tapes have not been used ... because I don't fookin' trust tape.  Since it's all digital, the pitch for the recordings should still be accurate ... assuming it ever was in the first place (larfs).

This is more along the line of rainbows sprouting in a swamp.  Serendipity happens sometimes.

Immense thanks to Cadillac Man and this is the first of six.  I'm really not positive what's on any of them.

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