Friday, April 1, 2016

In Lifetime Solidarity with @BernieSanders for President

This is our chance to absolutely shock the media, financial, and political establishments by raising more in March than we did last month.

Just two weeks ago they were calling for us to get out the race. Now we're going to show the world that our political revolution can win the Democratic nomination, the White House, and take our country back from the billionaire class.

Hell, yes, I ponied up my fifteen bucks as I have when I can.  The account has $215 remaining with two weeks until payday so, um, tell me again you can't afford it!  (larfs)


Sure that's red but here's a tip on redness: the Red Soviet turned into the Rainbow Russia and the last thing we heard about Red Square was when some artist nailed his penis to it.

(Ed:  fo' real?)

Yah but we don't know why.  We don't want to know why.  In any case, this definitely isn't yer daddy's Communism.

(Ed:  who the hell wants a Communism in which a man will nail his penis to Red Square?)

Spare me the righteousness, Paul Bunyan.  It hasn't even been a week since Batman Jesus was crucified ... and then fell off the cross!

(Ed:  fo' real??)

Yah and who could make up crap like that anyway.

Whoops ...

(Ed:  did he die?)

Unknown but, wtf, he was getting crucified, he was dead meat anyway, right?

(Ed:  nah, those crucifixions are like World Wrestling Federation, they're all fake!)

Well, unless Batman Jesus quickly learned how to fly, he may be an ex-Easter celebrant now.

(Eric Idle:  Batman Jesus is not dead!)

Well, what say we put him behind a rock and see what happens, huh?

(Eric Idle:  are you saying Batman Jesus has seen his last Easter?)

Well, we are not exactly sure he ever saw his first Easter.

(Eric Idle: he will see it, he is not dead!)

Batman Jesus is as dead as Donald Trump's seventy-year-old schlong.

(Eric Idle:  oh no.  Batman Jesus isn't coming back either, is he?)

Viagra won't help Batman Jesus, I'm afraid.

(Eric Idle:  it won't help Donald Trump's schlong either!)

You want to crucify him as well?

(Eric Idle:  well, the cross is still there, isn't it.  Think of how much he would dig it!)


Anonymous said...

In San Fernando on the island of Luzon in the Phillipines, those crucifixations were completely real. Tied and nailed to the cross. Including the scourging while carrying the cross to the site.
This practice was outlawed several years after I left eliminating the actual nailing.

Unknown said...

Even with nails in his hand, I still question any 'reality' in it when the original purpose had no regard for the pain it caused and in this they're highly careful to try to keep him alive. Sorry but this stuff doesn't strike me as healthy in any kind of a way.

Anonymous said...

Of course it isnt healthy.
The only difference from the original is not having a roman guard spear him to end his misery
I believe with the crucifixations that lined the Appian Way those on the crosses took several days to die usually by suffocation as they could no longer support thier weight
But these events are aimed at those watching

Unknown said...

That's my understanding on what kills you as well. The 'stage crucifixions' have the arms securely bound so the weight is supported and the chest can't compress. It must have been horrendous right from the start. I'm not sure if you're referring to the crucifixions which appeared in "Spartacus" and lined the Way for miles. Unsure if that was modified from actual history of if it really sequenced into anything.

Anonymous said...

It was a,typical form of execution during that time

Unknown said...

That scene of crucifixions going off into the distance sure struck the hell out of me.