Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Another Resounding Victory for Honesty By @BernieSanders in Wisconsin

The win by Bernie Sanders in Wisconsin was even bigger than anyone had hoped, well, except the Clinton crew who managed to convince themselves someone other than Goldman Sachs wants them.

Meanwhile the New York Post had a meeting with Bernie Sanders and he is now being flogged because he replied 'I do not know' to how, specifically, the Big Banks will be broken up and sent back to state-level enterprises as they were before Bill Clinton.  (CNN: Sanders feeling media heat after new interview)

Clinton has been attacking him on that basis but that's not a surprise since the Clinton campaign decayed into attacks and insults quite a while ago.  Coincidentally, the Bernie Sanders campaign has been going gangbusters all the time she has been doing it.  That Clinton has been too dimwitted to see the error in her ways gives an excellent perspective on just why her campaign has been decaying.  Once a mean old trout, always a mean old trout.

It's not a surprise there is no specific plan for breaking up the banks when there was never one to make them this way in the first place beyond, gee, sure would be nice to do that.  That came from Reagan and Bill Clinton implemented the last piece of it, twelve years later.  Some aspects of what Bernie Sanders wants to do can't possibly happen immediately and threats of catastrophe are even more ludicrous on that basis because they won't come quickly anyway.

When the entire political Establishment is dumping down on Bernie Sanders, it's hardly a surprise that some aspects of his platform need more work.  One thing we guarantee will happen is that honesty will take a substantially greater premium in Washington than it has up until the present day.

Speaking of fish, the GOP plan to harvest candidates from the ocean could have gone better and now Ted Cruz is the Once and Future King.  Too bad he gets booed even by Republicans.  That boy has skin like a rhinoceros ... too bad it's his team which loves to shoot them ... and put the heads on the walls in their houses.

Any moral ascendancy the Republican Party may have believed it once enjoyed is so long gone and Ted Cruz is the low-rent proof of that.

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