Sunday, April 2, 2017

Why Do Fox News Readers All Look Like Hookers

Basic hooker, right?

According to Fox, she's a judge but she couldn't have been much of one when she opts for a Fox News game show instead.

Fox News:  Pirro: 'Bozos' Still Haven't Figured Out What Russia Did to Stop 'Queen Hillary's Coronation'

Ed:  Fox pays her better

It seems obvious, mate, since what's the point in hookin' if you don't get more grease for doing it.

In fact, the bozos around here figured it out quite a while ago and long before Fox News so it's not clear who the Judge de Jour thinks she will find as an audience.  As far as I know, there are only more Republicans.  Some call themselves GOP and others call themselves Democrats but all enjoy bombing the fuck out of Syria without any particular regard for how many civilians get killed.

Note:  "Belle de Jour" was a book by an extremely clever, high-end call girl in England.  Judge de Jour isn't any of those things but she can at least manifest the look.

If you pre-judge Belle de Jour, you may miss much more interesting reading than Judge de Jour can ever give you since the Belle is witty and highly-intelligent.  The book she wrote is not pornography.

In her Opening Statement on Saturday, Judge Jeanine Pirro slammed Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez for questioning President Trump's legitimacy.

Pirro said Perez was the latest member of the political left to "act like children" because Hillary Clinton lost the election five months ago.

- Fox

Wow.  The network with Bill O'Reilly actually seeks to pontificate about acting like children.

Ed:  maybe they don't watch that hateful fuck?

Good point

She completed the play with an extra helping of sanctimonious bullshit.

In Essex County, N.J. on Friday, Perez said Trump and other Republicans don't stand for America's values and questioned whether they cared about the populace.

"Pray tell, Perez, what are our values and what is it you want us to resist-- law and order? The Constitution?" Pirro asked.

- Fox

The Constitution hasn't bothered Fox News too much (i.e. not at all) so this one makes no sense unless she's recruiting.

Let's hear a recitation on the First and Fourth Amendments, darlin'.

Judging by the way she speaks, Pirro must be one of Roger Ailes' left-over comfort girls.

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