Thursday, April 27, 2017

This Business Will Get Out of Control

A Russian naval vessel has collided with another in the Black Sea and it is holed below the water line so it struggles to stay afloat.  (RT:  Russian Navy reconnaissance ship collides with vessel in Black Sea – MoD)

That's breaking news and there's not much more known about the circumstance although CNN and Fox will have made up something in an hour or so.

Admiral Josh Painter: This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it.

- Fred Thompson with the only sensible thing he ever said about militarization

"The Hunt for Red October"

Women are not likely big fans of the movie since there's nary a woman in it unless you count the stewardess on the aircraft at the end.  This movie was also the only cool thing Alec Baldwin ever did.

Nevertheless, the points from the movie are dead accurate.

Paraphrasing one of the best, we have:  "There are so many naval vessels in the Black Sea, a man can walk from one side to the other without even getting his feet wet.  This is an inherently dangerous situation, General Pentagon Poltroon.  Wars have started this way."

America is pushing for a nuke war because the ratdogs in the Pentagon think they can win it and this makes for one damn fine business in selling nuclear bomb shelters until the civilians finally get melted.  (Ithaka:  There's a Cracking New Business in Building Nuclear Bomb Shelters)

You have seen the California home flippers doing their best to make another 2008 bubble of hyper-inflated real estate prices but those simple-minded opportunists are overlooking a much better opportunity in flipping.  They could go off to recycle the nuclear bomb shelters from the last time the Pentagon went crazy.  Give 'em a coat of paint and find a richie.  Show me da money, honey, and dis guaranteed-safe (smirk) nuclear bomb shelter can be yours today.  It even has hippie pictures on the walls so you can keep on pretending.

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