Sunday, April 2, 2017

Apple MacOS 10.12.4 as Estimable as 10.12.3 and Screams MacNeglect in All Directions

MacOS 10.12.4 gives us Night Shift which changes the 'temperature' of the screen at night for warmer tones since this may reduce eye fatigue.  The feature is optional since, like Siri from 10.12.3, maybe it's just an annoying waste of time.

Shake the 10.12.4 box as much as you like but there's nothing else in it.  Night Shift is Apple's current blaze of glory.

Shiver me timbers, my hearties, that's better than dubloons or pieces of eight, I'll wager. - Captain Hook

There's no need for an extended diatribe regarding the way Apple under Tim Cook has walked away from desktop computers and the only computer which gets much of his attention is the MacBook laptop; that's been happening for years.

The reason Tim Cook hasn't been roasted is MacOS / OS X was stable before he got his hands on it and the software has been remarkably solid with excellent capability.  It's likely only someone with Steve Jobs' vision can come up with any cool evolution for it beyond making it more powerful, more memory, etc but where is he.

Ed:  where is she?

Lighten up, Marie Antoinette, as it's a primitive language and it can't handle the circumstance of a singular pronoun which may be masculine or feminine.  The New York Times style book apparently says they is a suitable alternative but like much else they have been been writing of late, that's hogwash too.  A plural pronoun is not acceptable for a singular application; it makes no sense.  The language needs to evolve.

Boosting all those physical specifications for the desktop computers is mandatory since that aspect has been seriously neglected and for years in the case of the Desktop Pro.  That computer is a fire-breathing monster already but Apple always sought to make it more of all that but it's been stalled for some while.

Major first-run movies have been edited with Final Cut using Desktop Pro computers so what's the vision from here.  Will all those movies be made with iPhones and edited on iPads.  If there's some dream behind this then what is it.  That dream sounds like a complete waste so hopefully there's a better one than that.

Apple isn't going to die and slip into the ocean and nor are their hipsters likely to be selling pencils for food any time soon.  The problem isn't that they're going to fail but rather that they have become boring.  It's the hazard of any large corporation as the larger they get the stiffer they get.

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