Wednesday, April 26, 2017

You Say You Enjoy Taking a Walk in the Woods?

You should have no trouble finding the snake then.

Couldn't find it?  Here's a hint:  look for the little triangles.  You will probably have to click the picture to see it a bit larger to spot them.  We do not offer this as some online puzzle.  We want you to find the snake but he doesn't.

Note:  there is a cheat lower in the article.

The picture was submitted to:

Helen 🐍 👩🏼‍🔬

B.S., M.S.; snake biology. Ph.D student in the Grace Lab at FIT studying pythons, boas, pit vipers. I also enjoy bears 🐻❤️️tweets my own.

We needed a nice large image for Helen since there needed to be some space before revealing the copperhead which is highly-venomous, by the way.

Helen 🐍 👩🏼‍🔬

If y'all haven't found it yet... Copperhead, aka Agkistrodon contortrix. Cute but venomous, so no touchy! ☺️🐍❤️

It's difficult to see even when you know where it lies.  The camouflage is superlative.

Fortunately, they just love it when hikers step on them.

Euros are almost entirely unfamiliar with venomous snakes but you know them, don't you, li'l cupcake. America more than makes up for the snake deficit in Europe.

Pro question:  why did Saint Patrick drive the snakes to America?

Ed:  Saint Patrick didn't drive the snakes to America!

Sure he did.  Before Saint Patrick, America had zero snakes.  Now it has shitloads of them and many venomous ones.  I rest my case.

Ed:  America had snakes already!

Negatory on that since Indians had totems with wolves, bears, eagles, etc but zero snakes.  Negatory on those snake totems.  Take a look at the Kwakiutl in the Pacific Northwest who were famous totem builders but they didn't build any damn snake totems.

Ed:  why should I believe this when there isn't a Science tag in the title of the article?

You're free to believe whatever you like, mate, but Saint Patrick drove the fookin' snakes to America.

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