Sunday, April 30, 2017

Jeremy Clarkson Explains Jaguar Owners

Like him or not, he's got Jag owners pegged.

And it's not a bloody 'jag-wire' ... wtf kind of pronunciation is that since it matches no known language.  There are three bloody syllables in the word and try to invoke all three of them if at all possible.

Richie:  it's ok if I do it ... because ... I've got a Jag.


Anonymous said...

I drive a Jag. My Mother always wanted one as a young boy I told her I would buy her one. She could not drive by the time I could afford one. but I bought one anyway She is certainly not like that I am certainly not like that. He seems to be describing his own off air persona.
As he verbally and physically abused an staff member because there was no hot food ready.
And that was just the last straw.
How much of an asshole must you be to have a company throw away the biggest assest they have rather than put up with your prima donna attitude any longer.
The same man that blew up his $8M house so he could build a new one in the same location.

Anonymous said...

And she never used only syllables to pronounce it.

Unknown said...

Actually, that kind of self-absorbed bullshit is more a standard than exception. The Diva Dawgie made the blow-up in Manchester all about her. Something mutates in those people when they get lights on them.