Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Tellicherry Black Whole Peppercorns, Divakar's No. 004

When there's nothing but salt on the news, we start craving the pepper.


  • Whole Black Tellicherry Peppercorns from India
  • Special Extra Bold, largest of crop, over 4.75mm
  • Our signature product that launched the company
  • Beautiful aroma with citrus notes, medium heat
  • Handpicked
  • Sold to top restaurants in Chicago and Portland
  • Sealed in food-grade mylar bag
  • Packaged in resealable kraft tube

Note:  I have not yet dealt with this vendor but the outfit seems it's on the up-and-up.

The Rockhouse doesn't fancy salt since its only purpose is to be overused on McDonald's french fries but they're so shitty and tasteless now due to being fried in vegetable fat that no amount of salt can make them interesting.

For everything else there must be pepper.

Welcome to America, the country which came up with health-conscious french fries, and, yes, you are correct that all of them are wingnuts and not just a few.

They also get diet soda with their health-conscious french fries and the diet soda is also incredibly horrible for you.  Dietary genius, it's all here.

I am not a gourmet and I would have to be murdered if I ever became one but I do appreciate black pepper.  There are many other peppers and some focus on them almost as a test of manhood or some such by eating the hottest peppers they can find anywhere (e.g. Ghost peppers, etc).

The Rockhouse is more interested in nuance and freshness since all of us eat black pepper frequently and likely other types of peppers not so much.

Note:  look on YouTube if you like to see idiots eating Ghost peppers and getting violent reactions from it.  Highly stupid.

Any coffee drinker knows you never want to grind the coffee beans before you will perk them since they will lose freshness.  The same is true for black pepper but the vendors which had previously marketed whole peppers with built-in grinders don't seem to do that so much anymore.

So, yeah, I wanna know if there's a difference.  The measure of peppercorns apparently really is the measure of them since big ones are good and smaller ones less so.  These ones are ostensibly the best and they're not even expensive enough to intrigue hipsters at eleven dollars for four ounces.

Four ounces?  Whoa, that's a whole lot of pepper when you consider how much you use at any given time.

Note:  this one is in the Gee Whiz category for now since it's clearly a selfish move when no-one else here has much use for black pepper.  It will happen eventually because I'm curious and it doesn't cost much.

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