Friday, September 9, 2016

What's Hot on the Blog 9/8

Sep 7, 2016

Regulation of Twittomania - 1/3 of the three-way tie for the top today.  Bag Twitter so, ok, got that

Why You Turn - an expansion of Science Daily articles I enjoy seeing and any driver will quickly see the applicability to RL

Call to Action - it makes me proud to see neo-Americans (i.e. us) helping real Americans (i.e. Indians) when they're attacked by never-Americans (i.e. robotized corporate goons with attack dogs).

The Risk - whether intellectualizing is a problem is only a matter of the right audience and catering to a social network audience is a fail since they wouldn't hide in those cages if they were not afraid of dealing with things.

Volvo - welcome to the future, a really big one, so why aren't you pushing America to do this too instead of focusing on the Pentagon and it's Taiwanese gimcrackery.  The Pentagon only knows how to destroy things but we want to build.

The Little Tetrapod - this was a stupid title for the first creature which ever walked on land as he seriously deserves more respect than that.

About Being - the thought came it might be novel to take some snaps without moving from my chair and (gasp) none are selfies.  The point being 'going all over the place' often only means stretching an arm or turning my chair.

Burn the Church - nah, not all of them as some are nice and do what churches do but do feel free to torch the moneygrubbers, no problems at all with burning those ones.

Basic - helpful if you need it, way too basic if you don't

Bag - when it starts and ends with bagging Twitticisms, that would tell me in Washington to do ten times more of them but here in the real world we made like a Carnival cruise passenger with them (i.e. threw them overboard).

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