Friday, September 9, 2016

Remarkable Progress on Ebola as in Killing It

Various efforts against Ebola have been announced but they haven't been able to wipe it out and controlling has seemed incredibly difficult for medicine to master.  New research takes a different approach and with remarkably comprehensive results.  (Science Daily:  New 'Trojan horse' antibody strategy shows promise against all ebola viruses)

Maybe you knew there are five kinds of Ebola but I didn't and this medical regimen wipes out all of them.

Ebola seems to have all of the most horrible, scariest symptoms a disease can bring so the thought of it ever penetrating here is a terror of its own but the thought it ever penetrates anywhere isn't far different from that.

There's an immediate WHACKO on hearing of the success in the research but there's still a bit of, say, melancholy at the number of people (no idea how many) who reject such research out of hand based on Mother's Intuition, Voodoo Magic, or maybe the Farmer's Almanac.  Sure I ridicule it and I will as you know perfectly well that thinking kills people and it's amazing they have only managed to spread measles so far.

No need for an extended editorial as Luddism is quite the rage these days and Ithaka won't cure it.

This begs for "The Marching Morons" by Cyril Kornbluth and it's one of the treasures I have not located yet.  The parallels are unmistakable and they were remarkably perceptive when he wrote them sixty+ years ago but they're obvious now.  Everything was down-sized to make it flashier but always smaller.  All information is processed like Wonder Bread and the IQ extant in the people of the land seems to have dropped to the level of lower primates.

Meanwhile, there were the Super Smart people in the background.   They do all the administration, the science and the etc, etc to run the world but they're almost entirely removed from it.  The study is fascinating, highly-cynical, and absorbing.

That invites the next question of now what?

I've been asking that all my life but the Baby Buicks keep getting smaller while the crowd keeps getting bigger.  If you're up for a populist IQ test, check out a Twitter thread with the music dolly fan kids (the neo-Apple fan kids will do about the same).  Be ready to throw peanuts ... and a hat tip to Kornbluth.

This one is all yours, Buck Rogers.  Have a ball.

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