Friday, September 9, 2016

As to the Blood

Not a topic to raise and leave hanging so the current situation is variable.  After some while of this, it seems clear vicious coughing broke a blood vessel.  In time that fixes itself or it doesn't but I have no reason to believe it will go slacking on it.

On first sight of a significant amount of blood this way, it's going to do some curdling.  It's been about a week so we're past curdling to, well, it sucks but doesn't seem to worsen and I don't see it happening at times also.  Everything is by deduction because VA is not the same as having a doctor.  Write the editorial if you feel inclined but that's the fact of it regardless of any spin.

Therefore, deduction reveals whatever it will prior to October 17 when there will be a consultation.  It has to be that way or I bump another vet and that's not a move unless there's a bone poking through the flesh.

The reason for pursuit is Surprise Regulation is an important thing at this age.  We know shitty things will come and some come soon.  The task is to be aware so they don't present surprises because we can deal with anything so long as it's not a sucker punch.  If this is too morbid for the young 'uns then don't fucking read it.  We do real life out here and Twittering on social networks is (cough) hardly the same thing.  Those are the ones who are easiest to surprise.  Oh, oh, how could this happen to me??

A:  because you weren't fuckin' looking, darlin'.

I am in a portion apologetic since breaking down is, in a sense, a failure and Frasers don't permit failure because then we must be flogged to show suitably our contrition (larfs).

Something which seriously provides me some good vibe is to think of some way to make money on croaking which I obviously won't get but will work for the General Theory of Propagated Goodness and that theory is not interested in whether you get any goodness out of it but rather where it goes.  That thinking is for karma so do with it what you will.

Note:  yes, that's the Reader's Digest version of karma but it's sufficient for things go around.

Some may see morbidity but I see a pleasant pastime because it makes all the more important recording something which is the Best it Can Possibly Be since that goes to the Ride the Dragon CD and on out into the Universe to wreak whatever havoc it will.

There is no change as everything has to be the Best it Can Possibly Be and that's where "The End of the World in Fort Worth" wasn't intended to be the Last Big Deal but it's turning out although not final that way.

Although in a loose context similar to "Stairway to Heaven" in following a path to beautiful things, the guitar lead, unlike "Stairway to Heaven," wasn't played according to any chart, real or virtual, and there are mistakes.  To my own vision, that's all part of finding the way to anything as there will be mistakes but that's getting artsy fartsy in front of a fan who says, 'Oy, I know a damn clam when I hear one.'

Note:  that's not a criticism of "Stairway to Heaven" as the only observation is it has to be played note-for-note perfect or it's crap but that isn't the way I approach things usually.

That one stands as it will and I'm not defensive except for the hypercriticality which follows releasing anything with oh, damn, I should have done it this way.  In fact you shouldn't but there should be something to glean from the fact that something in it bugs you now so what will that mean for future work and selection of what's recorded and what hits the floor.

That one will spin for as long as, well, YouTube so thar she blows.  Hopefully you see from the top the song isn't intended to build quickly so that's an implied, now overt, plea to hang with it.

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