Sunday, April 3, 2016

Joseph McCarthy, the Worst the GOP Ever Gets?

Modern Republicans are often said, with substantial justification, to be part of the worst class of them in the party's entire history.  However, their sorry modern reputation is in contrast with that of Joseph McCarthy, King of the Commie Witch Hunters.  As per the GOP SOP, he used God as an excuse for what he did but he died at forty-eight so there's zero reason to believe God liked him very much.

(Ed:  only the good die young!)

Yah, right, Encyclopedia Brittanica, tell that to Mother Teresa or Pope Francis, if you would.

Many say Ted Cruz is the worst ever with his posturing to evangelicals but he's an amateur next to Joe McCarthy ... well ... Ted Cruz is actually an amateur next to Howdy Doody but particularly next to Joe McCarthy.

(Ed:  playing to evangelicals sure did wonders for Marco Rubio!)

Yah, and Ted Cruz won't be on the hit parade with Taylor Swift any time soon for it either.

(Ed:  no-one wants to be on the hit parade with Taylor Swift except other chipmunks)

What, Ted Cruz isn't a chipmunk??  Think of how he sings.  How about a falsetto version of "Star-Spangled Banner??"  That would be hot, wouldn't it.

(Ed:  no-one should have to listen when Republicans sing!  Remember John Ashcroft ... if you can stand it.)

Good point.

The discovery tonight isn't of the existence of McCarthy as his sleaze is a nightmare legend in American politics but there's more, he's even sleazier than I ever knew before.  (WIKI:  Joseph McCarthy)

McCarthy's history is well-known for false charges of communism, homosexuality, or anything he could use to smear a public figure.  However, these techniques were not used against him yet there was ample basis for doing so.

It looks like Joe McCarthy's military career was exemplary since he served as a Marine in WWII and flew twelve combat missions.  That's great balls-up stuff but he wrote up a claim for having flown thirty-two combat missions so he would get a Distinguished Flying Cross.  That got by because he could make it look authentic due to his work in intelligence.  He did get the medal and apparently it was never rescinded.

It gets better as he also claimed a Purple Heart for a combat injury.  It turns out the injury actually came from a celebration when the ship on which he was sailing crossed the International Date Line and the sailors had a party.

There's no denying he did brave things in WWII ... but he also lied about them to make a claim of false valor.  You can get away with many, many things in the military but you cannot get over with fake medals ... unless the GOP or Pentagon generals (same thing) do it.

As you know already, Ted Cruz never even showed up for any military but at least he can say he never made any false claims to valor ... at least he hasn't yet.  McCarthy had a legal degree as well.  They aren't so different.  Maybe he will.

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