Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Latest Warning of Death by AI Comes to Us from ... da da ... Slovenia

The plan to directly link the brain with AI will inevitably create a privileged class that will retain self-identity and free will, obtaining an immense control over the ordinary human consciousness merged with digital space, argues Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek.  (RT: ‘Who will control merged human-AI digital space?’ Slavoj Zizek on Musk’s brain implant venture)

Apparently Herr Zizek is looking for egalitarian distribution of electronic brain expansion via embedded processors and AI links.  We're not clear why he would expect that when the bell curve for human intelligence hasn't been egalitarian since the good Lord invented it.

Watson:  he did that?

Unknown.  Roll with it.

Let's say you want to perform an egalitarian expansion of the minds of those good ol' boys who were driving around in black neighborhoods in pickup trucks with shotguns and Confederate flags.  How shall we expand those minds; shall we use Bondo? Silly Putty?  Nutella?

What's the logic to the egalitarianism when you will add enormous data capability to a mind which was slow in the first place.  What is that supposed to do except confuse it.

Ed:  you arrogant fuck

Really.  How about we try our luck selling Encyclopedia Brittanica sets at the next KKK rally.  I bet that would be a great success, wouldn't it.

Putting lipstick on the pig won't send it to Norway for a Nobel Prize any time soon.

The bigger danger is in the intellectual weakness of brainiacs since a great many fear and have neurosis telling them they're not smart enough and just a wee bit more boost is the answer.  Now another group of brainiacs is telling them, check this, I can hook you up to Colossus and you will be one smart muthafucka.

There's a good chance they will line up in droves because brainiacs generally trust other brainiacs even when there's not much trust going toward any other group and Washington gives plenty of reasons for that.

Ed:  you're worried about AI being hustled to neurotic brainiacs?

Well, I can't say I'm worried since I've known for a long time I'm the smartest muthafucka in the valley but I've seen a whole lot of neurosis from a great many people along the way.

Ed:  you're just as neurotic as they

Not anymore but that's been the case quite a bit since my ol' Dad was the giant-size brainiac so, man, I sure could solve every problem with a mind like that.  That hasn't mattered in years but it was a force and I imagine it would be easy to play brainiacs in general with the thinking, oh, sure, we can help with your li'l neurosis.

More than likely those who get the booster brains will be richies but that won't get all that brainiacs and it may not even get the most interesting ones since not all are motivated toward riches, power, etc.

Ed:  then they're failures

That's a tired old American paradigm which has little to no value.  I daresay the majority of brainiacs do not seek out riches or power.  There's a much older mantra that wealth doesn't bring revelation.

Dr SuperSmart:  how about I set you up with your embedded electronic processor and the grandissimo AI interface.  You will be able to remember every line of your "Timetables of History" without even opening the book.

I don't want it, Mac.  Part of the intrigue in history is the discovery and there is none of that when the knowledge is already there.  All I have to do is wiggle my pert little nose like Jeannie in "I Dream of Jeannie" and I will know Every Damn Thing.

Humans can't handle knowing Every Damn Thing and we can't even handle knowing Any Damn Thing without a system we use to manage the knowledge.  Don't even just be staring at me since you consider the matter every time you have to remember birthdays or some such.

Here's the cheesy metaphor of the day since it makes no difference if you connect me to Hoover Dam because I'm just not that damn thirsty.

Ed:  what about killing self-identity?

That could be an easy thing since is this me or the machine.  If you have ever thought Doctor Phil offered anything whatsoever to the Universe other than carbon dioxide, this probably is not a good idea for you to consider.

Ed:  what about killing free will?

The same applies since do I, assuming I remember what that actually means, serve myself or the greater consciousness.

These kinds of questions are great fun for philosophers but they don't add much to the circumstance because electronic evolution will ignore them and the question is what will you do about it when such an offer may come.

Do you want the brain plug, li'l snowflake?  It won't hurt a bit.

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