Monday, April 24, 2017

Reverse Retinitis Pigmentosa and Restore Visual Function - Science

CRISPR/Cas9 is more happening than disco for the New School Geneticists and it's become the ubiquitous genome editing tool today for functions which were lumped into the huge and deeply mysterious area of recombinant DNA.  It's a magical technique and fraught with peril but that aspect is largely ignored.

Using the gene-editing tool CRISPR/Cas9, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Shiley Eye Institute at UC San Diego Health, with colleagues in China, have reprogrammed mutated rod photoreceptors to become functioning cone photoreceptors, reversing cellular degeneration and restoring visual function in two mouse models of retinitis pigmentosa.

Science Daily:  Using CRISPR to reverse retinitis pigmentosa and restore visual function

Note:  I see collaboration between Chinese and Russian scientists with American researchers all the time and from that I discern zero engagement from them with any of the idiotic rubbish on MSM.

This is a confocal micrograph of mouse retina depicting optic fiber layer

Credit: Image courtesy of National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research, UC San Diego

The mention of cellular degeneration piques interest because of my ol' Mother's awful trials with macular degeneration.  I never picked up any impression there's surety about the cause but the result is steadily degrading vision.

I don't know what retinitis pigmentosa does but I have seen how macular degeneration progresses and anything which goes anywhere near ameliorating or preventing that is highly impressive.

It was a highly-abortive phone call with Cadillac Man yesterday but he did say he thinks sometimes I don't understand the science I'm presenting and that got great laughs because it's not a contest; he's my long-time friend and that was his observation.

For the same reason, there's no need to go into their methodology for the science since I can't do the mechanics of it anyway but it's there for the interested student.

While some percentage of the time I don't understand the mechanics of the science, I do understand the concepts or I won't roll them.  In this case, we have gene editing resulting in a possible cure for a disease which has got to ferociously suck.  It's specifically my purpose to bring that awareness to you since that doesn't require a PhD in genetic engineering but it does require keenness of thought and you bring that ... so let's get on with it.

High-value genetic fixes have deep perils and high-value is not economic but rather human in terms of restoring functions lost due to age, etc.  The ethical peril is proceeding without a clear view of that which is taking place.  There's a tremendous tendency in America and likely the world to patch things constantly rather than taking a larger view to solve the problem rather than constantly returning to it.

That tendency to patch things may result in a growing dependence on genetic manipulation and all for shining purposes but with the result the original genome is eventually forgotten.

A fundamental principle to The Zen of Systems Programming is you always engineer a retreat or you're not coming back.  In other words, if you don't have a foolproof back-out, you ain't no systems programmer.

There is no foolproof back out from the genome editing once it passes the point of direct therapeutic examples and curing sickle cell anemia is one obvious choice.  There's a deep exposure due to MTT (i.e. Motie Tinker Tendency) which means this may well proceed without adequate consideration and the Rockhouse has lamented previously about the lack of any type of rational ethics panel for science.

Usually if something of that nature is considered, it comes from fundamentalists who typically do not have much theological training and they just waste time but do successfully disrupt the initiative so, from their Luddite standpoint, it was effective.  America is gutted by that kind of idiocy and has been screeching about abortion for sixty years or more since it burns their asses it's backfired for forcing Christianity onto people.  If anything, it's had the reverse effect.

The prognosis for future genome editing looks excellent in the lab but is almost guaranteed to generate chaos when it comes into public view since MSM will have a field day with it.  We have seen their commitment to truth and responsible journalism enough times to know they won't add anything useful to the discussion.

Jake Tapper:  Russian hackers have fucked with the genome!

Of course they did, Jake.  There's nothing hiding in your closet in the dark.  Honest.  Ignore the noises.

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