Friday, April 7, 2017

Not Much Productivity in the Rockhouse

Yesterday might have taken a bit more out of the Rockhouse team than I realized as I slept nearly eight hours and that never happens.  There's nothing wrong and nothing to analyze as the menu was just a wee bit too full yesterday although multiple cool things happened.

Dunno if I'm slept out even yet so really this is an apology for lack of productivity.

Cadillac Man, I heard the phone ring but I had typed the last word and immediately got the word from Mescalito.  You are finished right now and I bet I was asleep in seconds.  Tonight for sure.

I did see the Pentagon was launching cruise missiles yesterday against Syria and there's nothing much to say about more of the same barbarism we have been seeing for the last twenty years.  America is under no threat whatsoever and the Pentagon only does it because cruise missiles are the closest to an orgasm those senile old cranks ever get.

Trump is just as much of an animal as his predecessors but there's no news in that although it may be comical to see Hilljack the Terrible smugly saying, "I told you so."

And we tell you this, Hilljack, we will rub your face in the fucking dirt again if you ever show it in public.  We have had it with fake Democrats and the disgrace they bring the party.

Even with Nixon, I never took the position he must be kept out of the White House at all costs but I damn sure believe that's necessary with any Clinton.  That family is evil and there's no cure.

Ed:  Nixon wasn't really that terrible if you take Vietnam out of it

Fair enough and he was actually a far better Democrat than Hillary Clinton which does add a measure of irony to the current circumstance.

Note:  while Trump is doing his amateurish best to destroy the EPA, it was another Republican, Nixon, who was instrumental in starting it.  As ever, Trump has no idea what he's doing and he just got a brochure from 18th Century Boy Scouts on How to Be a Good Republican which he's using to run down the list like it means something.

Let's see ...

Destroy the environment.  Check, did that.
Destroy the market for electric cars by starting coal-fired power plants.  Check, did that.
etc, etc

Ed:  would you seriously bring Nixon back?

Well, if it's a choice between Nixon and that dipshit blowhard with a megaphone, yah, I believe I would.

Ed:  would you vote for Nixon over Clinton?

In a New York millisecond.  The regulars know this doesn't come from history books but seeing both in action.  While Nixon was trying to stop a war, Clinton and Obama only sought to start more of them.

I tell you, if it had been Nixon running against Clinton, no-one would be saying a word about her now as she would have been crushed in the first round.

Ed:  there were many basic model Republicans running last year!

They weren't Nixons either but more loudmouths with megaphones, none with any particular capability.

Nixon wouldn't have just won it in 2016; he would have done it easily.

Next time, the Democrats really need to run a better candidate, a much better one.  However, they have four years to observe Bernie Sanders is the only one adding anything to the current narrative which sounds like it ever came from a Democrat and we only hear the typical harpy sounds coming from Clinton's cave periodically.  That fucking troll needs to go back under her bridge.

Some bimbo wrote released a book in the last few days which is still trying to make an excuse for Clinton that she was defeated by sexism.  Incorrecto.  She defeated herself or, more accurately, she let Goldman Sachs do it.


Cadillac Man said...

Curious as to how Nixon was trying to stop a war by escalating it by invading Cambodia. Also, curious as to what wars Obama and Clinton started. Obama inherited Iraq and Afghanistan from his predessor, George Bush. The ordered bombings in Libya much like Trump just bombed Syria. In both cases, the civil wars were already ongoing. As for Hilliary Clinton she was Obama's Secretary of State not the President. Therefore, the ultimate responsibility for military action was not hers. Nixon, literally fiddled with Watergate while Vietnam burned. I'd hardly call this trying to stop the war. I do remember Kent State and 'Tin soldiers and Nixon's coming' . Nixon was no dove and also remember he was the only president to step down from the office in total disgrace. This was because his own party was going to impeach him for the criminal acts he verified on his own tapes.

Unknown said...

Fair enough on Cambodia. Nevertheless, the premise is he was trying to stop it by winning it so bomb Hanoi into smithereens. As we saw, that didn't work. I don't recall the justification for Cambodia but I imagine that was to repel Communist insurgents as well.

To all report, Clinton was more militarily aggressive than Obama. It looks like you give her Obama as a beard but that doesn't cover 'we came; we saw; he died' since that viciousness is her own.

I know Nixon wasn't a dove and he made a mess of it but finally it ended. I'm not trying to repaint Nixon but I'm wondering if the Pentagon didn't crack him just like it has all the others. He had great insight into China but knew nothing about conduct of that silly ass war.

Nixon is not my friend and that's not my purpose. Nevertheless, there's some deep irony in EPA starting up during his tenure and, in effect, shutting down with Trump. They didn't know where they were going then and I submit neither party knows which way its going now.

Anonymous said...

Another Nixon Demo credit I believe he appointed 4 of the SCOTUS judges that voted for Roe v Wade.
But that was back when we appointed judges more on their ability than their political allegiance
Curious as to the war Nixon started as Vietnam belongs to Johnson maybe Eishenhower if you stretch the beginning actions
Based of political tactics today Nixon would be if fine company. But he would have to switch parties based on his domestic policies

Unknown said...

These aspects of his domestic policies are interesting and not something I had reviewed previously since he never really graduated with me past that image of him sitting on a toilet in the poster.

I've never contested LBJ's ownership of the war and there's a current topic of how much collusion there was to defer a peace deal in 1968 until after the election. I don't have citations but I've heard references and I'm somewhat curious.