Friday, April 7, 2017

Gross Interference with Free Speech by Donald Trump Brownshirts

Twitter has sued the Department of Homeland Security over its attempts to “unmask” the creator of an alternative US Citizenship and Immigration Services account, @ALT_uscis, which has posted tweets critical of the government.

The account, seemingly written by a member of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, is one of many “rogue” government accounts set up in the wake of President Donald Trump’s inauguration. The accounts, which include the Rouge National Park Service account and Alt Food and Drug Administration were created after a number of negative Trump tweets sent from government accounts were removed.

RT:  Twitter sues US govt for ‘unlawful’ attempt at exposing ‘rogue’ immigration account

The systematic efforts by the Trump admistration to silence free speech don't differ hugely from the Obama / Clinton regime insofar as they wiped out Occupy Wall Street ... and Trump is trying to wipe out everything else.

We note with some amusement that the CIA, NSA, FBI apparently couldn't crack the security and those incompetents got caught.  Maybe those yokels could do as they have done with iPhones and hire some independents who actually know what they're doing.

The suit filed Thursday in the Northern California District Court seeks to prevent the DHS and US Customs and Border Protection from “unlawfully abusing a limited-purpose investigatory tool” to “unmask the real identity” of those behind the Alt_UCIS account which has been used “to express public criticism of the Department and the current Administration.”

- SD

The Forefathers had noble standards in which they may not agree with you but they will defend to the death your right to speak.  Donald Trump, however, wouldn't even interrupt one of his many golf trips for that.

He actually said he thinks his first thirteen weeks have been highly productive but here's a tip, Donald:  it will mean something when Americans believe that and we have no reason.

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