Thursday, April 6, 2017

It's Been an Exceedingly Strange One

It's clear that trying to get my orientation with this day is pointless as it's all skew whiff and back to front.  Good things happened in this glorious muddle of a day but my timing is shot all to hell.

The chopping is twinging a bit since he took out a couple of inches or so of beef but the local has worn off by now and this isn't so much.

Note:  there's no drama since he got it all or he would not have let me go.  That's how the MOHS dance works.

If you're not really grasping the full measure of the strange, I offer you're not really bad ass until you can stop an election.  Britney Spears did it.  (RT:  ‘It’s Britney, b*tch’: Israel delays elections for pop queen’s concert)

My buzz reaches around these things and calls out, where are you, Great God Mescalito.

No fuckin' way he's there.  I do hear him laughing from somewhere, tho.

Ed:  the buzz is better off with sci fi movies

No question, Stanley K.

Try this trip since we hop in and out of cancer treatment centers but funny things happen and I mean laughing funny rather than, oh, that's amusing.

Some things aren't funny but they're cool since we met John and Doris who had driven in about thirty-five miles from their farm.  John said he was a gentleman farmer with his twenty-five acres.  It's more than just hanging about being genteel since they told us about the longhorn cattle they raise and he showed some pictures of them with the deadliest looking horns you ever saw, just like from Warner Brothers.  Then they told us they had six brand-new baby longhorns and come on out to see them if you like.

I don't know anything about riding horses but Yevette does and she was excited about it so she just might take him up on it.

John and Doris are almost exactly what real wealth means to me.  A small ranch which isn't necessarily productive but can support some large animals is the dream for a whole lot of people.

Another part of the wealth is having the time to watch the chickens for long enough to understand their behavior.  Cat has loved to do that as she has with many kinds of animals all the way up to horses.

I get a hint of the simpatico which comes with animals from living on a farm but really getting it is like color for the blind man.  I've never even really ridden a horse ... a whole lot of motorcycles but zero horses.  I did try one as a tourist ride when I was up to Heavenly Valley for skiing but any time I moved, the horse would just turn its head around to say, "Just sit there and shut the fuck up.  I know where I'm going."

It was ludicrous so that doesn't come close to riding a horse.  I just sat on one.

I'm aware of the rambling but there's some LSD coherence to this.

Yevette was pleased and said we kicked some ass today.  She is one seriously determined female.

I did thank her since this was hard duty for her after it took more than five hours but there wasn't enough time to get her back to the Rockhouse and then be back in time to get cut again.

The kaleidoscope is in part because Tactical had come out to the Rockhouse while we were gone and did a whole lot to get things happening and he was even vacuuming the floor.  I told Yevette he's really doing some princely stuff.

Life is a shit storm, no denying it, but the things happening within that just now are a whole lot of crazy diamonds.

Unknown if you like time traveling but Dr Mayberry does and he had a patting tool which a lady uses to pat her face to remove wrinkles.  There was your antique Botox.

Even better, he had a much bigger device and that one got immediate attention because it had three ports identified as being for electrodes.  I feasted my twisted mind on what those antique ancients did with multiple electrodes and Dr Mayberry told me it was a device for cauterizing a wound.  It was really not conceptually different from a device he was using on me.

It's a novel situation when you can smell burnt food ... and it's you.

There's definitely some gonzo loose in the world today and that has nothing to do with politicians since mostly they're just annoying.  Gonzo is a state only Hunter Thompson truly understands.

Gonzo is when you're doing something which doesn't seem all that crazy at the time but you know ... this is fuckin' crazy.

I do have some science queued but the vibe is fishtailing between making sense and making no sense whatsoever.  It's kind of cool to behold but playing Mister Wizard probably isn't the best plan just now.

It's all good, seriously; it's just really, really strange.  I didn't switch to a new kind of reefer.   This strangeness found its way here all by itself.

Cadillac Man, I'll try calling tomorrow and that will be a cool milestone day with the second week nailed.  It seems we're marching right on through this rot.

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