Sunday, April 2, 2017

I Forgot the Onion for the Midwest Hayride

It took all week because complexity but the Quartermaster Corps finally managed to get to Wal-Mart and what's the problem with that?

Watson:  never, ever go to a Wal-Mart on a Sunday

Roger that.

It was surprisingly painless ... except when I thought I lost Yevette's card.  That was spooky.

Note:  there's no story in that since it goes to the Whoops, Wrong Pocket category of stupid.

Ed:  is that like thinking you lost your sunglasses but you're wearing them?

That's the one.

Watson:  but you forgot the onion

Yes, I forgot the damn onion.  I may be playing mental bumper cars and I blocked it because an onion is for chili and I'm just not believin' she could tolerate any chili but maybe she can.  It's a bit of protein but not a huge slab and it's with a bit of spice so maybe it's great for her.

There has been a good improvement in prison food since the Quartermaster Corps defines all frozen TV dinners as prison food but some of them are all veg.  Yevette is yer meat and potatoes Texas girl but I got some of these veg meals and, what do you know, she liked them plus they're a lot more palatable to her in the current situation.

The veg meals are Amy's something or other company and they cost more but they do it surprisingly well for Yevette since I've ragged her endless about eating her veggies but Amy has done the trick, albeit in kind of a sneaky way since she has a veg enchilada meal which Yevette tells me is actually quite good.

Note:  Amy's prison food is about four bucks a meal and most prison food is about two and a half.  That's a serious bump but it delivers.

This is a true relief since the Quartermaster Corps is the nutritional conscience for the mission but how does that happen.  I decided the only way was to present things to then ask which was ok and bingo on that one.   The trip is twisted but it's redeeming in some warped way as well.

One week is down and it seems the focus on diet has mitigated things a bit.  That's not patting myself since Yevette decides what she will take and her choices do seem to be good ones judging by their effect or lack of effect, actually.  Do not read this as a cakewalk but some things do help somewhat it seems.

If you're taking notes, that's a big one ... diet, diet, diet.  Eat the right stuff as it does seem to help.

Watson:  after this is over, maybe she goes back to that meat and potatoes diet?

After this is over, she is free to eat whatever the hell she wants and to the great pleasure of anyone who may behold her doing it.  I don't constrain what she eats anyway although I do offer an editorial sometimes ... that abomination of a meal is bloody awful rubbish I would be ashamed to feed to a sewer rat.

Watson:  did you ever really say that?

No but it does seem like a good 'un.  Garcon, take this offal away.  I asked for a meal and not something you would feed to sewer rats.

Watson:  are you still looking for a smart-ass response to that penguin of a waiter in the restaurant in France?

God help me, it haunts me.

There are lots of medicinal chemicals involved in this but we don't need to itemize anything of that nature since the interest is in what's the response to them ... diet, diet, diet.

Ganja hasn't been involved in this any more than I've been smoking and the situation remains that it's here if it's wanted but otherwise there's no Madison Avenue.  There hasn't been a word said about it since there's no news when it's already known to everyone it may help.

I'm looking at ganja as the Hail Mary play.  If she's feeling really shitty then, wtf, there's nothing to lose so spark up a bowl and let's see how that does.  The existing science, fragmentary as it may be, says it works so it's not such a terrible move for a Hail Mary.  Sometimes a Hail Mary play actually works or we wouldn't pay any attention to them.

The existential flows in waves with this circumstance, mates.  It's trippin' without the colors but those will be in it too if I turn off the damn monitor.  There are rivers of interrelated things and the Zen moment poofs in front of clear directions so it's all most unusual but extraordinary.

I can afford to be cheesy philosophical when there's high confidence in getting through this.  There's no point in considering any other circumstance when that situation doesn't exist and the focus is tight on that which does exist.

Whew, it does get strange at times.  The situation really is as copacetic as it can be and all by itself that's strange.  I hoped but I didn't really expect.

Watson:  expectation is the death of hope

You might even be right about that, mate.  Give it up for Watson with today's bleak and bright Deep Thought.

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