Sunday, April 2, 2017

Excellent Video of the SpaceX CRS-10 Landing

The SpaceX CRS-10 landing was something straight out of a sci-fi movie.  The footage is excellent and it's presented from the external view and then follows with the view from the Stage1 booster.  This one is the best I've seen yet.

You wouldn't so much see this in a current sci-fi movie but definitely for Sixties sci-fi.

The reusability of the booster is excellent for SpaceX and for spaceflight but the fact of the landing alone still stuns me even when it's not their first.  I've been watching launches for a long, long time and yeah, yeah, yeah but this is astounding.

Watson:  it's the same way they landed on the Moon

True but they never did it here and it's blasting cool to see it.  A big part of this is no-one ever did it before.  It makes the idea of spaceflight all the more real when we see a spacecraft landing.

The launches are outrageously cool and I highly recommend seeing one in person if you can but we shoot the rockets off and then we never see them again.  With SpaceX it comes back and that looks like quite a marvel in the Rockhouse view.

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