Thursday, August 18, 2016

Cognitive Offloading, The Hip Way to Say I Love My iPad

There's an iPad right here and it's nothing more than a useless coaster which whines because I don't clean the screen enough.  Of course I don't as I rarely charge the battery either.

Cognitive offloading and related concepts have been interesting sciencers of late and this in explanation to the enormous information, as opposed to knowledge, stores on Google and other black holes of fact absorption.  Given those huge information stores, people rely more on external knowledge than carrying it themselves and this is termed 'cognitive uploading' whereas I'm more inclined to refer to it as bone fucking laziness.

My entire educational pursuit has been to acquire enough parts to integrate and synthesize so some smattering of that which exists starts to make sense.  Cadillac Man asks 'how in blazing Hell did you wind up in the Army?'

The answer remains the same as I don't know.  I was an amoeba or Lather, if you like, absorbing it all but none of the parts fit together so there was obviously enormous volumes of bullshit flying about but it was impossible, at the time, to discern which wasn't.  The Army told me I wasn't a kid anymore but that was bullshit too since only kids will roll over for what they ask in chucking everything they believe to start killing people.  You know it's wrong but the Army says it's right.  My reaction to that, then as now, is Fuck The Army.

You don't need religion to tell you some things are wrong and top of that list is you don't fucking kill people.  You never take something you can't give back if you made a mistake.

My deepest apology about the Army remains to my parents because it was so wickedly wrong to do that to them.  They didn't go about with rah, rah, Army and I would have hated it if they did, it would have made everything even more distant.  I should have found a way to get out of it but, wtf, my number was nineteen in the lottery and I was obviously fucked.  The options were limited and regardless of what I did, my future would be fucked by it.

(Ed:  you made and lost a lot of money!)

Oh sure, money sure outweighs forty years of people having contempt for my shit.  I'm still bitter and resentful as flaming mofo over it but it doesn't hurt anymore.  The part hurting me is I see what it did to the people involved with it then and now.  I can't let that demon loose because he will definitely go ripshit over it.

Note:  there are no weapons and I don't want to kill anyone.  I hate it that some pervert asshole may read this on the sneak and call some shitwagon cop because he thinks I'm a fucking terrorist.  Those pussies think everyone is a terrorist.

The objective of integrating and synthesizing is one more thing which came from sci-fi and specifically Hari Seldon in the Foundation Series through his science of psychohistory.  (WIKI:  Foundation series)

The idea being integration of diverse material converts information into knowledge and perhaps that does actually happen with people and their 'cognitive offloading' but there was no actual offload except in terms of the population and no individuals uploaded or offloaded much of anything.  The fundamental problem I see in it is the offloading serves relatively little purpose when it's not being used on return to fill some sort of internal matrix of understanding rather than flitting about like a butterfly from one piece to another while never really storing it anywhere.

You can see the offloading all over the place with relatively-stupid software sitting atop gigantic file servers and Facebook is priceless for that one since it doesn't really do anything and that which it can accomplish it often fucks up (e.g. notifications which are relentlessly borked, impossible to find anything after you have written it, etc).  YouTube is similar even when its interpretation of video codecs is bright; the rest of it is mostly another gigantic file server.  At least YouTube's search works.

They call them clouds or whatever whoop de do they like but they're still just monster file servers.  It's the same with Apple since iCloud is only a transport to move information back and forth between desktop computers and handheld devices but it's one hell of a lot easier and less hassle to use my own disks and bag the handhelds which offer little to nothing to my world.  My own disks are also vastly more secure than anything online.

(Ed:  so the software gets stupid but the knowledge gets intelligent?)

Unclear but there isn't more knowledge, it's only more information.  Until it's integrated, it's not worth a handful of sand.  The general premise is the flow will ultimately wipe out desktop computers but that's quite the blasé attitude to take toward one of the most powerful and novel creative forces the world has ever seen.  All handhelds did with that is to turn it to point and click crap, just like the cameras a real photographer will never use.

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