Thursday, August 18, 2016

About the Matter of Homelessness in Germany

This turned out to be surprisingly contentious and that came because various trusted sources say homelessness exists in Germany whereas trusted sources inside Germany say it does not.  My reaction to that has been the same as when that type of information conflict exists for any topic.  When I have two credible sources saying the same thing then debate won't resolve it and the only answer comes from further information.

Take it easy as I'm not even firing rubber bullets so y'all might want to lighten up on the prosecution as it's not that important and there's no case being tried anyway.  My purpose in presenting the original article was in a piece of information I found novel and the same problem is an endless plague in America.  Therefore I see information value in it since perhaps the solution adapts.

As good-naturedly as I can say it, this ain't Perry Mason and my only interest is in finding truth which I suspect all will agree is often a rare commodity.  I won't accept anything at face value and there's never been reason I should since the onion always has more layers.  That's an old cliche but, at rare times, cliches carry a lot of truth.

Note:  some states have tried experiments in which they tried putting all homeless people in various types of independent homes (e.g. apartments, etc) and all the Walt Disney stuff came true with reduced costs, reduced homelessness, and the bluebirds started singing.  That's as much as I know of the experiments but the reports I read were that it was working.  Perhaps it all collapsed later and everybody died.  Unknown.

The biggest real prosecution on my part is of liberals who flipped and support Clinton.  Maybe they flip back later and call me a friend but it won't make any difference as I've dumped hundreds of them of late.  They can flip flop all they like but after doing it once I have no reason to trust them again.  I won't flop and I never did.  The Army tried for all that time but all it did was fuck up my life and make me hate the system forever.

I don't have any concerns about stomping Clinton or Trump here since I'm highly-confident none of you support either of them.  That may swing to Gary Johnson or Jill Stein but I'm ok with that even when I disagree with the choice because at least these people think whereas there's no evidence Trumpites think of anything beyond where's the feeding trough and Clintonistas have been there too long already.

Democrats (i.e. real ones) have been just as disloyal to the Democratic Party as the Republicans in all their flavors have been with the GOP but the situation is the same.  When the Party is disloyal to me and changes its principles, I have no further reason to give my allegiance to it.  The GOP took the same dive so here we sit with one of the most farcical elections in American history.  Cadillac Man lives for this crap because these are the ones which make the history books and future historians, such as he, go, holy fuck, how did that happen.

How indeed (larfs).  This time he can see it before his eyes and still the answer comes back, holy fuck, how does this happen.  I imagine that question reverberates quite nicely with y'all as well:  this just makes no fucking sense whatsoever.  You can see all the boo-boo-boobies whistling Dixie while saying it's "Clementine" and the only question coming ... was there some kind of cosmic ray which blasted them.  WTF happened.

Likely I will talk to Cat in some hours and will ask further about homelessness.  Of one thing you can be sure, it won't be a prosecution.  I'll just use y'all as the foil.  Well, they said ... (larfs).


Anonymous said...

I am not one to post links. But over the last two days I have read many articles from German newspapers(using google translate) about the homeless problem and it size. Not much different than the US about 1:200 whereas Germany 1:266
It looks as if the homeless problem in developed nations is directly proportional to the wealth gap.
The US had a program proposed years ago to US the military bases that were closed as a solution as they were essentially completely cities. But it never really got legs and those areas are still mostly vacant

Anonymous said...

I guess homeless people dont vote unless they live in Chicago

Unknown said...

Dead people vote in Chicago (larfs)

I have no argument with the information, it's just an unusual disparity when sources conflict. Hopefully more soon on that from the Deutschland side. We don't speak German to each other or very little as I'm more than English checker for her already quite good grasp of the language. It's not so good for written but that's true in just about any language for anyone.

Unknown said...

I do remember the program and it's good to get people situated but the bases aren't often near cities so there's the potential to isolate people quite a bit. That's not someone's first worry when he doesn't have a roof over his head but the next thought is likely to be I've got the foundation so maybe I need to get cracking looking for work. This is maybe solved by good bus coverage but my additional concern is treating these situations as short transient residence likely means they will get wrecked in no time.

Fort Bliss and Sandia base were in the center of their cities but Fort Leonard Wood and Fort Polk weren't anywhere near a city except for nearby small towns in steady decay and filled largely with camp followers.

Anonymous said...

Opryland Hotel has a regular employee bus that runs from various parts of the city to ensure thier employee can be to work and on time
So running bases to cities would be simple. As to employing homeless on te base to run it and set up training facilities on the base. Simple process far cheaper than jail. Which is where many end up

Unknown said...

Any good solution and I'm all for it and, yes, the buses can do well for it. You have seen the bases yourself and most are almost independent cities. It might make sense to treat them that way to some extent with some type of supportive infrastructure out there. This gets perilous close to a concentration camp but they're free to come and go. All of them have an administration building which could conceivably be used for some type of job services in terms of helping to find them and being a place to perform at least some of them.

I do believe it's easily foreseeable that job losses will continue and some form of anticipation is necessary to head off a whole pile of social disorder.