Thursday, May 5, 2016

Now @HillaryClinton Tries to Out-Dirty the GOP #DropOutHillary

The latest from Hillary Clinton has been an attack on Donald Trump because from her simple-minded Old School thinking 'if I kill him then I win.'

That logic is full of so many holes you could sink the Bismarck in any one of them.

No, we're going to count them off as we go.  We hate it when creeps do that and they always lose count before they finish.

There is no possible way to out-dirty the GOP.  Even a cursory review of the history will reveal them pulling the dirtiest crap imaginable.  Recall how they trashed Kerry's Vietnam record when not a single one of those pussies went over there.  I repeat, you cannot out-dirty the GOP.  It's precisely the thinking we expect from the Old School and precisely the reason we want tarring and feathering of politicians restored.

Even your mother tells you never to throw a stone in a glass house but, noooo, Hillary Clinton is smarter than that and she chucks all these rocks at Donald Trump while remaining wide open to charges of corporate corruption and make no mistake of how they will flog her for it.  She's the only one in the game tapping into Goldman Sachs and no-one will ever let her forget it.

Note:  she STILL has not ponied up the transcripts for her speeches to Goldman Sachs for which they spent well over half a million dollars.

They will flog her and hang her fat ass from the barn.

The last and most obvious flaw is her arrogance in assuming she has the Democratic nomination and anyone who can do simple arithmetic shows she does not have it.  If there is any backbone left in the democracy, she will never have it.  Just as with the Bush family, the Clintons are done in politics, now and forever.

We want ideas and Bernie Sanders / Donald Trump are the only ones who bring original ones.  We don't need cover songs which pretend they're real.  We want honesty for once in our damn lives.


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