Friday, May 20, 2016

"Anthem of the Dead" Silas Scarborough Plus Three Others (around year 2000 turnover)

"Anthem of the Dead" was recorded in last of the 90's through early 00's for making the music and production of the video.  This was thought to have returned to must well over a decade ago but, thanks to Cadillac Man, it lives again.

Note:  the video was recorded after the audio and you will see that if you track it hard enough but overall I get a bang out of the moves.  Chalk to up to self-adoration or no-one else was around to play the other parts as you will.

The Silas and the, um, others are  ...

The Monk is the singer
Cowboy Bob on rhythm guitar
Silas Scarborough on lead guitar
Zeldo on keys

All of the backdrops were designed in Bryce 3D almost twenty years ago.  That was the best way for me to get a surreal surrounding at that time.  Later Second Life came along.  I saw that and thought, well, get all the surreality you like and it won't take three days to render a scene.

Note:  that's no exaggeration and running a full-bore Mac Desk Pro.  The time was eaten by all the ray tracing in Bryce and it has taken up to three days to render a fifteen-second scene (many years ago).

There has never been much interest in playing my older songs either live or anywhere else because then I don't move on to anything new.  For me, after having done this trick with all the compositing, which I really liked, there wasn't any point in doing it again.  It's the same with the song as I do like the song quite a bit but I didn't want to play it again unless it was with an actual band as in truly different people, amazingly enough.


Cadillac Man said...

Silas of the 90's revived. UH!

Unknown said...

All four of him! Wooty woot! Thanks again! Uh Uh Uh!