Tuesday, May 10, 2016

About the Special Police Forces in the U.S. (e.g. CCPD in Fort Worth)

Alan Fraser, if you see this in the next few minutes, there's an Independent Lens documentary on KERA right now that you might be interested in. Or maybe not. Just a thought. It's called 'Peace Officer', and it's about the militarization of police forces.
Clark Weddle Oops. Never mind. I thought it was on until 10:30, but it just ended. They just teased an upcoming documentary called "Armed In America" and just starting in a few minutes is "Police & Guns".
LikeReply7 hrs
Alan Fraser Fort Worth Polizei CCPD sind die neue Wehrmacht und sind nicht die normalen Polizisten. Achtung! Halt! Papiere! Wo sind deine Papiere!

In Germany, they called them Wehrmacht and those were the special militarized cops. They were destroyed after WWII.

LikeReply6 hrs
Norma Williamson I watched it it was very interesting I am a little surprised that they never figured out that turning police officers into killing machines wouldn't change the outcome to ordinary life
UnlikeReply16 hrs
Alan Fraser That's one of the scariest things in America as you know how it goes with creating special police forces does it with a blithe disregard for history in which doing that has always been a hellbound train.
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