Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Bernie Sanders is Looking Good But Don't Get Cocky, Wisconsin

We can see Hillary Clinton is defensive and on the run as shown by her attacks on Bernie Sanders which are obvious signs of the decay of her position.  This is not at all a time to get cocky as the only play is for the win; there is no second place, there is no runner-up.

Don't forget Bernie Sanders is ahead of where Barack Obama was at the same point in his campaign against Clinton but we mustn't let up anywhere along the line.  Making America what it can be rather than what some ungodly rich banker wants it to be won't come through a one-off vote or a hoo-ha parade.

Millennials have been making me proud as they get out to register and they vote.  They're vocal are being heard but they're not the only ones.  Many people are standing up for Bernie Sanders and more all the time.

Here's a word from his campaign team:

If there is one lesson everyone has learned in this race, it’s that the moment a campaign takes victory for granted is the moment they lose. Tomorrow’sWisconsin primary is very, very close. We’ve won six of the last seven contests, and a recent CBS News poll shows we cannot take the next one for granted.

CBS - Wisconsin Primary (3/29 to 4/1)
Bernie Sanders: 49%
Hillary Clinton: 47%

The political establishment and corporate media have counted us out time and time again in this race, we should not make the same mistake with a campaign as formidable and well-funded as Hillary Clinton’s in Wisconsin.

We were down more than 40 points in Wisconsin shortly before we got into this race. Today, some polls show us up and some show us down. We are on the verge of making history tomorrow night, but doing so will require us to work hard for every last vote up until the minute the polls close. That’s why your contribution matters so much.

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