Sunday, November 15, 2015

Yah, Yah, More Bombing - The Real News is at G20

America, Russia and Syria issued a joint statement today regarding their plans for dealing with the Middle East.  This is the only optimistic sign we have seen in quite some while.  The peril of the penny ante strikes from each side has been the huge potential for mistakes which propagate out to a major conflict between America and Russia.  There is at least some hope that will not happen but there is great reservation about further cowboy bombing without any end state in mind.

People may blow off my thinking as 'bleeding heart' and that's fine because that condemnation never leads to anything meaningful anyway.  Only through reason does any problem get resolved and people who think in cliches haven't even reached the point of conversation, much less rational thinking.

(Ed:  what should be do going forward?)

Bite me.

Cliche for cliche (shrug).

Today we've seen pride in nuclear bombs (seriously) and that kind of flatworm thinking makes my toes itch.  Presumably they plan to nuke Syria, Iraq, Iran, Philippines, Indonesia, etc, etc.  Two-dimensional thinking doesn't work here any better than it works in "Star Trek - The Wrath of Khan" and, amazingly enough, both are treated about the same on Facebook.

Everyone must conform and put French colors in their profiles to show support for France and that's peachy if you aren't willing to get off your dead ass and do anything substantial.  I will take my stand and it is for France.  Many think it's wrong and these days this sort of thing is unpopular but reason often is unpopular.  Swaying the crowd is easy, making real change is not.  I stand, alone if necessary, for peace.

(Ed:  you wrote of acceptance of the possible need for a united war)

There is no change but you should also have seen there is extensive discussion on the matter but no-one is jumping onto any bandwagon to do something immediately because knee jerks never accomplish anything except loud noises and dead people.  At least, no-one here is going to do that.

Just as Pamela Gellar has her gutless protest in the US, it seems those in Qatar and Kuwait are doing the same mosquito balls type of thing by, to some unknown extent, subsidizing hostiles.  Break their banks as well.  If ye shall inflict suffering then ye shall know it as well and, wowzer, that sounded Biblical, didn't it.  I understand such a thing will inflict suffering on civilians but that's happening anyway and the search is for that which ends the shooting with as little killing as possible.

Seeing America and Russia presenting a united front gives me some optimism of realism and hopefully reality is coming to the approach to taking care of the problem.  One thing I know for damn sure, you won't find any reasoning on Facebook.

(Ed:  you transplanted the reasoning with Kannafoot from Facebook)

Yes, in fact, I did.  Part of the reason for doing that was to present the discussion to this esteemed forum and the other was to remove it from mindless kibitzers on Facebook who salivate for war but have no concern for reason.  Here on the blog, we don't think from memes.  Everything is original or it's not worth doing.  On a more banal level, that's part of why I loathe cover songs.


Anonymous said...

I am a,fairly basic individual. My response is kind of simple. Similar to Sean Connery in The Untouchables They kill one of yours you kill 10 of thiers. I know it doesnt solve it but I am so tired of these cowards trashing innocents.

Unknown said...

They're going after it the same ineffectual way they have been doing all along with a Hollywood Squares bombing campaign. Now even China will do it too. Nothing will come of it as they're back into the same old greased pig contest.