Friday, November 27, 2015

A Tale of the Travails of American Toilet Terror (video)

There was a time of wit in commercials but, alas, the wittiest of the wayward modern wankers has been largely limited to the Budweiser frogs.

But, now, the Squatty Potty commercial:

It's an authentic product and proof of the validity of the science is the absence of modern toilets anywhere in the wild, untamed lands of Africa, once, possibly, the location of the Garden of Eden.

And, verily, if a toilet was not needed in the Garden of Eden, why would you think one is needed now, particularly when it imperils one's bowels in such a reckless and unproductive way.

Forsooth, what shite from yonder potty breaks.

Surely now you ask, what could it possibly cost and, frankly, we have no idea ... but ... our unicorn search teams will pursue this quest to its end ... and ... ding, ding, ding.

The heavens open ... and so will your bowel ... because ... because ... the Squatty Potty is available for $28 US at Amazon.

And you thought we make this stuff up.  Pfft.

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