Thursday, November 26, 2015

Ain't No Thanksgiving for Jason Van Dyke and We Don't Care

Too bad no-one does anything regarding a cop's history of indiscriminate violence ... except pay out excessive force judgments ... until (drat) he murdered someone this time.  (CNN:  Chicago officer had history of complaints before Laquan McDonald shooting)

The story isn't so much about a thug cop and it's useless to observe the 20/20 hindsight of CNN which, this time, is hanging the cop out to dry whereas normally they defend cops no matter what heinous thing they do.

Nope, we don't give a rip about Jason van Dyke and how he spends his Thanksgiving (i.e. in jail and can't bond out) because he murdered Laquan McDonald and van Dyke pumped sixteen slugs into him to be sure of it, sixteen slugs into a man who offered no threat and was trying to walk away.

The story is about two mothers, the mother Laquan McDonald and also the mother of two kids van Dyke fathered.  Neither of them were people of violence and yet his death reshapes their lives.  McDonald's mother now faces a life of despair after the murder of her son.  van Dyke's wife has no money to defend the man she believes was an 'honorable and decorated officer.'  Of course she believes that as what else would he tell her.

You know already violence comes down hardest on the women and the children and this is another example of it.  Mrs McDonald will live with the loss caused by something she did not do and could not protect against.  Mrs van Dyke will live with the shame of something she did not do and her children will grow up in a world of confusion which almost always leads to more violence.

We send our hearts to both of these women and their families and we send it in equal measure because neither of them had anything to do with the crime and yet both will pay for the rest of their lives.  Jason van Dyke murdered one man but he killed many more people than that.

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