Tuesday, November 10, 2015

What's Hot on the Blog 11/10

Nov 9, 2015
Nov 10, 2015

Twitticisms - looks like I'm killin' myself with my own twitticism and that's highly twitty, ain't it (larfs)

Today is the Day - the Boss RC-50 has been a big topic with me today and it has played out to success.  This article was written prior to setting into the fixing it.

Except for - example of the flaming hypocrisy inherent in the Donald Trump Signature Series line of clothes.  Take one guess where they are made.

Boss RC-50 - this was the one after success with the fix

Riding Scooters - big fun riding about the streets of Pyrgos, Greece, one of the most wonderful places under the sun.

Revisit - comparison of Boss RC-50 / RC-300 loopers.  Highly-esoteric.

Minimum Wage - I'm advised this calculation of minimum wage by CNN may have difficulties so keep in mind on reviewing it

War on Narcotics - we believe and it is agreed with a majorly conservative Goldwater Republican friend the only way to win any war against heroin is to take it to the poppy fields and burn them to the ground.  The article goes beyond it and it's provocative but I'm flaming over the increase in stories I've been hearing lately about narcotics addiction.  It's personal for all of us and you see even George Bush has the cancer in his family.  We judge heroin importation to be a war and America is not fighting back.  Street cops cannot possibly win it, as we have seen.

Note:  cannot believe 'majorly' is actually a word.

The blog busted over 1,000 today and that's a peach.  Thanks.

For me, the big one was X Japan with "Born to Be Free" (link is to the live version) as that song reverberates and I hear the chorus when I'm not listening.  They sing for freedom better than I have ever heard it and with outrageous power.

I love this band and the excitement I feel for their music.  I saw this announced as new release on Facebook but that may only be a release as a single as it looks like it was recorded in 2010.  In any case, X Japan rolls again.

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