Friday, November 13, 2015

Twitticisms 11/13 - 3

11-13-2015 15:59:23 - As always, Greece is streets ahead of U.S. driverless car technology and buses carry passengers now. via @PopSci
11-13-2015 15:50:40 - Hogwarts is being converted into condos by people who apparently never watched "Poltergeist" via @Curbed
11-13-2015 15:45:37 - Carly Fiorina preparing for debates and discussion of fake Planned Parenthood videos via @YouTube
11-13-2015 15:43:19 - Goat does Justin Bieber imitation ... better than Bieber does Bieber ... w/video via @YouTube
11-13-2015 15:41:51 - Six GOP wankers on video - not cool / six baby hedgehog muffins on video - extremely cool via @HuffPostWeird
11-13-2015 15:39:14 - The Iron Ass speaks to the accompaniment of Darth Vader music and is amused. Of course, Vader would be.
11-13-2015 15:34:39 - When you try to rape a woman and are hit in the face with a frying pan, look forward to love in jail
11-13-2015 15:32:53 - Surf's up - in Michigan - in the mid-November - nut actually went. No word on whether his genitals still work
11-13-2015 15:30:44 - If Jesus begged for money like these professional Christians, no-one would even remember his name.
11-13-2015 15:29:49 - Did not know of Ray Comfort but, after hearing his rot, I'm quite sure I've got a craw full of professional Christians. Show me the money.
11-13-2015 15:14:14 - More NAZIs in Virginia. White supremacist doesn't cover the evil of these bastards but NAZI does @CNN
11-13-2015 15:11:54 - Judge sentences Kansas NAZI to death - we don't support death penalty but this one should never speak again. @CNN
11-13-2015 13:17:07 - No matter how stupid or ignorant you may feel, watching Kirk Cameron will make you feel better as you know you're not at the bottom.
11-13-2015 13:13:04 - Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort have sex together ... 44 seconds to get stupid - runs 90 minutes. via @YouTube
11-13-2015 13:02:23 - Ithaka Blog: Lewis Black on Evolution (video): No-one slams so-called controversy over evolution better.  Lewi...

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