Friday, November 13, 2015

Lewis Black on Evolution (video)

No-one slams so-called controversy over evolution better.  Lewis Black is a master comedian.

Minor point:  the Scopes trial (i.e. the Monkey Trial) resulted in defeat of Scopes.  It's not relevant due to the highly-biased persuasions of the judge and, well, just about everyone else in the country.

Clarence Darrow represented for the defense and William Jennings Bryan represented for the prosecution.  I think but I'm not sure Jimmy Stewart played Clarence Darrow in the movie, an old, old movie. (WIKI:  Scopes Monkey Trial)

There's some dark irony as Bryan died not long after the trial so presumably Christians believe God ordered the victory ... and then killed him for it.  Ain't that a bitch.

The Scopes Monkey Trial was ninety years ago in 1925 ... and the Tea Party still doesn't get it along with Creationist Institutes which have dioramas featuring people with dinosaurs.  Such determination to remain ignorant is admirable in its ability to make humans look like the monkeys from which they say we did not descend.

Note:  humans did not descend from monkeys but rather from some proto-ape millions of years ago.  The Tea Party makes clear some evolved rather less than others.

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