Wednesday, November 18, 2015

"The Space Between Things" and the Annihilation of Self (video)

"The Space Between Things" is because physicists say the bulk of the Universe is between the stars we see, because the meaning of the words is between them, and because the soul within anything is impossible to see at all except through behavior.

The purest of music comes through the annihilation of self and this one toward that end.  It shows Silas Scarborough is either a cartoon or a real-life musician but it really doesn't matter which and many know the cartoon better.

The visual overwhelm is deliberate because I don't believe it is important who makes the music but rather what you hear, see, and feel.  None of those things have 'selfness' as all go toward the whole of the music as it lives in front of you and, at the best of times, inside you.

There is no purpose to disguise my status as a creepy old fucker as there's no secret of it and I would not want to make it one.  The purpose is specifically is, as I say, to present the music and blow you away with the visuals to specifically to draw the focus to the music and not the 'me-ness' of anything.

(Ed:  so, yah, lose the Zen and does it suck or what?)

That's your call, Satchmo.  This one I don't hate (larfs).

YouTube busted me and said it was already there.  Since I couldn't find it, there's not much chance you could have done it.  So, here again.


Kip Boahn said...

LOVE IT...ty...

Unknown said...

Thank you in a big way. It's more appreciated than you may know.