Saturday, November 21, 2015

Piano Goes Bust on the First Roll but That's OK

The solo piano bit started fo' real as soon as the house got out of bed and it was sounding somewhat cool ... until I kicked in the looper to make a loop out of it.

Kicking into the looper also kicks off the drum machine because ... MIDI.  It's how they're linked and the current solution is to kill the drum volume slider on the mixer but that's weak like ... (fill in with the obvious from current events).

The reason for playing first before jacking with MIDI is the other way around means I probably won't play at all.  You seriously have to watch out for the technology or it will severely bite your beeeee-hind.

Bump up a week minus one and the mystical magical MIDI machine will be here.  It will be a tad awkward because it's a rack-mount device so there's no good way to place such a thing without a rack which I have no intention nor means of buying.  What's cool about the arrival is then I can kill the MIDI track by pushing a button and the drum machine will never get word of anything the looper is doing.  Elegance.

The loop didn't work because it would hang too long on Cm before going back to Fm to start it again so it's unresolved and in playing the guitar, I was constantly getting lost as I'd get to the Cm and jump to resolve it but it wasn't there yet and I'm thinkin', man, are we waiting for a bus or what.

It's all good as I want to kick it, bounce it off the walls, and all manner of demented things to get the magic time when I can sit back and think, yep, that's happenin'.

I still don't much want to look at MIDI manuals, tho.  Feel my pain, feel my pain, my chill'uns.

(Ed:  what pain?)

Dunno.  Seemed kind of poetic at the time.

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