Wednesday, November 11, 2015

"End of the World in Fort Worth" - Intro test take V w/audio - Silas Scarborough (video)

The intro runs up to the point of Silas in the Rockhouse but that's not the song which will be used, it's only a placeholder and it does not play through to the end of the song.

This does not include the short baleful riff from Gabriel with his trumpet from the side of the building but my background track for that part has it included.  That's easily changed by dropping the newer audio in place of the existing for the intro and that will happen when the final video component with the Sanctuary song is dropped into it.  I may use "Hey Baby" instead if the looper just won't work anymore.

The scene with all the green bubbles flying about hopefully will change to a dissolve to a scene of Monk Silas in Raybans reckoning to the survivors to come to the Sanctuary and from that scene it will dissolve to Silas wailing away inside the Rockhouse.

Unknown if this will ever get completed and, frankly, the temptation is to say fuck it and just kick back blowing bowls until the lights go out for me too.

Yah, it's tempting but it's not going to happen.  If there's any way possible to pull it together to record the Sanctuary song, it will be done.  It may not be Sanctuary for anyone else but it has been for me because the world abandoned my busted ass a long time ago.  It's ok as I didn't have much use for the world anyway because I'm exhausted by the incessant killing and the unwillingness of anyone to do anything about it.

The point is it could be Sanctuary for anyone.  Maybe I've been an asshole for refusing to see anyone or, at least, strongly advising against it because that makes the point of the song and video hypocritical.  I remember when my ol' Dad was in the same situation and the reaction to it so perhaps seeing my situation would give understanding and maybe even absolution.  That's not something which is in my power to give but it is in your own power to give yourself.  Therefore, I'll reverse that position because life has to be true or the song is not.  If it's not Sanctuary for everyone then it isn't Sanctuary at all.

Perhaps that thinking will give the strength to do it.  There hasn't been any move on a looper because it was silly thinking to believe it might be possible and playing mindfuck with myself doesn't gain anything.

Which gets me also thinking I must try it now to at least tune the guitar as it's been long enough the strings have probably tensed and contracted thus putting too much tension to the neck.  Tallyho ... I think.

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