Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Silas Will Never Play for Roxy Gellar ... No Matter How Much She Begs

Some have played for Roxy Gellar and blew it off by saying 'musicians are whores' ... and it's true some are.

There's a suitably scathing article I wrote about that fact as it is whoring to play for her after she's done a multitude of despicable things to SL performers and the most interesting thing about her is the list of people she doesn't like since it's long and glowing.  I blew off the other for excessive brutality.

People make excuses for Gellar but they don't know how she behaves when she's pissed off with someone since that turns into obsessive stalking lunacy with a single focus on destructiveness.  The wires aren't connected properly in that one and everything goes to the Standard Alcoholic Rules:  it's everyone's fault but my own.

Note:  she won't beg me to play since her preference is more that I should die in a fire but she did ask If I would like to play some while back.

Ed:  she probably hadn't heard you play

Moriarty, you're a cruel bastard and it's funny but it ain't true.  She had heard me as she never stages anyone for the first time.

I do good gigs and I've played hundreds of them.  The Bad Silas kind of gigs are amusing to consider just now but some of that was so raunchy I really don't want to tangle with it too much ... it was funny stuff, tho.

Ed:  it trashes and disrespects the music to do that!

Nope as I didn't change the music for it and the raunchy stuff was in-between although "Wild Thing" is raunch from top to bottom.  The types of shows I do have changed over time but the Bad Silas Period was some funny stuff.

Ed:  you don't call this shredding her?

Nah, this is nothing.  The original article uses words like homophobic, misanthropic, and it invokes the Lord of the Flies.  Roxy Gellar was played by Mrs Ida Lowry from "Brazil."

Ed:  now I see.  It's about transgender, isn't it?

Nah, it's about molding yourself to whatever you want people to see or Building a Better Bullshitter.

The original was brutal and this one I characterize as informative since that pitch 'musicians are whores' bites my ass.  I don't pop my cork for every gig in town and never did.  That big spender can take a walk.  The vibe doesn't impress me and nor will it impress a great many other SL performers.

Roxy Gellar has done the things charged to her and she's an active enemy of free music in Second Life.  That's based on a blacklist she sent around of musicians who should never be hired by any venue owner.  I'm tellin' you; she's damaged.

The only reason for mention of any of this was the previous mention of finding Nad Gough for a gig. That may have some sound of desperation and Gellar feeds on that.  Therefore, cut it off cold.

Note:  if that gig works it's cool and also if it doesn't since I play here anyway.

Ed:  because you think you're starting to get it?

I do think there's a chance of that, yes.

Nah, I'm not desperate for a gig even in a tiny way.  If the vibe is right then it happens.  The time for it isn't right this minute anyway.

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