Monday, April 10, 2017

The Canary is Not Dead; It's Just Rejuvenating Its Patriotism

Dateline:  any time in Washington.  Donald Trump does Foreign Policy the way most flip pancakes.

Now Rex Tillerson tells us the Syrian people should decide Assad's fate and he has made it clear that Donald Trump is playing Foreign Policy Wheel of Fortune.  It's just fortunate Trump has surrounded himself with beautiful women to turn the letters for him since otherwise, without that distraction, people would be rolling on the ground laughing.  (RT:  Syrian people should decide Assad’s fate, Tillerson tells US media)

Ed:  the Syrian people aren't laughing

Say there, Red Cross, take it easy as we're not playing the bleeding heart angle tonight so much as the This is Bollocks angle but thanks for showing up and enjoy the lovely parting gifts.

Ed:  are you seriously calling Nikki Haley beautiful?

Get a grip.  You have seen Melania Trump, right?  In that context, the only thing anyone needs for Nikki Haley is Ken-L Ration from the Heinz dog food division.

Not surprisingly, Moscow asks, "What next?"  (RT:  ‘Look at Syria & Yemen. Who’s next?’ – Russian Deputy Defense Minister to RT)

When the White House has been playing Wheel of Fortune for about twenty years now, it seems a reasonable question to ask.

It's been mirthful merriment watching the feminists slashing Melania and Ivanka Trump.  Oh, God, how the equality of it all moves my heart.  I'm tellin' you, mate.

You saw how they got all weepy for Tomi Lahren too, didn't you.  Lahren has got a case against Glenn Beck but no-one will help her because people have just about had it with California puffballs.

Rex Tillerson doesn't look like a California puffball but he sure acts like one when one day we need a bilateral resolution of Syria by working with Russia.  Next he was saying, we need to find Assad and kill that motherfucker.  Today he says the people must decide.

That sounds about right, Generalissimo, since otherwise they will have to rely on the bird on your shoulder but here's a tip:  the canary is fuckin' dead, man.

Tillerson:  the canary is not dead.  It's rejuvenating its patriotism!

There are little x's over its eyes and that's the code in every cartoon.  That is one fuckin' deceased avian.

Tillerson:  look, it's not dead since it scheduled a missile attack!

That could have been easily automated with robos.  You have nothing but a dead canary, Generalissimo.

Tillerson:  I hate Monty Python!

You're in luck, Generalissimo, since it's a dead cert Monty Python hates you.  Nice bird, tho.  Too bad it's dead.

Tillerson:  I'll fix you.  I'll block your news channel so you can't talk shit about my bird.

Well, that would be brave, wouldn't it.  No wonder women dig you.

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