Monday, April 10, 2017

The Sun Shines in Tennessee this Month

Today is Lotho's birthday but it's the other days of this month which are lighting it up for him.  Which birthday isn't important since after a while they need to have a "0" or a "5" in them before anyone is even interested that anything happened.

But ...

Lotho already pulled off The Rescue of Tinkerbell and that was highly cool, especially for a birthday month.  It's his birthday month because you only get one day for a birthday as a kid but at this age if a birthday needs the whole month then give it the whole month.  Some parts of being old suck but the fact there are no rules is not one of them.

It's tough to tell which is the Biggest Event of the Month in Tennessee and probably Tinkerbell isn't even sure and even after her Rescue but that's because it's two weeks until The Raven and soon-Mrs Raven are going to make it happen.  Tinkerbell will make it to the wedding and she must be tickled over that since it probably wasn't likely otherwise.

The Rockhouse can't give details on the wedding because we don't want to blow the security since then you get People magazine showing up and no-one wants them around.  "No.  I don't know Hillary Clinton and I don't want to know her.  Go away."

Unknown if the Big Gun is engaged since she always was The Organizer because, anathema as it may be to hear, she's a lot like our ol' Dad that way.  It's an oft-heard refrain in IT centers when some big project plays through, people are scampering about all over the place doing it, and the whizkid at the center says in deep satisfaction, "I love it when a plan comes together."

That's Queen Bee.

Note:  I don't know the origin of the line and it doesn't sound like Monty Python.  My guess is it came from a war movie.  Those IT types really, really get off on war movies and how they love the smell of napalm in the morning.  Unusual crew, that one ... not such comprehensive taste in movies but definitely an unusual crew.

We know The Raven and soon-Mrs Raven enjoy cosplay and we don't know if they will visit that enthusiasm on the wedding but a fellow can dream.  That would be one stupendous nuptial celebration, complete with just about every super hero from the Marvel catalog.  Lotho might put up with it but the Big Sale is with Mrs Lotho as it would be in any family.  Ol' Dad may go along with it but Mother will be a harder sell.

"No fucking way will people come to this wedding dressed like fucking alligators or spacemen, Raven.  No, just fucking no."

Note:  I don't believe I have ever heard Mrs Lotho swear.  That's kind of scary since I can't remember the last time I didn't swear.

God:  that's why you will burn and she won't

Aha.  Thanks for settling that.

We've got to help you grok the vibe for this wedding and maybe Dali can help.

Young Raven, if you can give your woman love like Dali loved Gaia, you will reach a standard which most mortals don't even understand.  That's Gaia on the banner on the left.

Ed:  Dali supported Franco who was an evil Fascist bastard!

Chevy Chase:  it's ok as General Franco was still dead at that time.

Yes but is he still dead now?

Chevy Chase:  yes, General Franco is still dead.

Love her like Gaia.  There's your answer, mate.  There are beaters, pedos, and sickos making men look bad but Dali ... he made men look good.  So there's your answer:  love her like he loved Gaia.

Dali rarely painted himself into his work but Gaia appeared in many of them.  He had the supreme narcissism any artist needs but it didn't manifest in trivial ways.  He remains the closest to godliness the Silas ever got.

Meanwhile ...


Anonymous said...

I don't know if you are referring to Gala his wife or Gaia the mythological Mother of Earth
But neither one offers good omen foa young man getting ready for his nuptials.
Gala repeatedly had extra marital affairs with Salvadors consent and no children while Gaia had no marriages but maybe 100 children
Strange choice
Even strange to finish with SNL skit
Yep unusual ramble

Unknown said...

You're right and that was a grossly stupid error after seeing her name so many times in my life. I've seen that forever as one of the greatest love stories I've ever encountered.

That kind of dyslexic word flip happens quite a bit and I fume every time. I think I get to thinking ahead of whatever I'm typing and then errant thoughts mix with the typed text ... so a lot of correction comes from that.

Anonymous said...

I don't see it as a huge love story. They were an incredibly dysfunctional couple.
Many many issues

Unknown said...

Survival still counts, tho