Saturday, April 15, 2017

Set the Machine for Sixty Years Back, Sherman

Sherman:  OK, Mr. Peabody

Mr. Peabody:  Sherman, we need to do some time traveling

Note:  score five points if you had that from "The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show."

This looks 1955 to me:

Left to Right:  Queen Bee, Doc, Lotho, Silas, Tinkerbell

The baby in his nappy is Lotho and he married off his own son today, only hours ago.  How about that for unstuck in time, Billy Pilgrim?

Call it thirty years for Lotho to get big enough to make a son of his own.  Then go thirty more years for his son to get old enough to make one.  We should be within only a few years of seeing this picture repeat itself.  Yahoo, Lotho!

You can see a tree in the right background that says it, "Y'all aren't from around here, are yewwww?"

Note:  I don't know what kind of tree but it struck me I don't think I have seen that type of tree here.

Even Queen Bee is headed toward being a towhead and she is definitely a brunette; it's the same with Doc but we don't call men brunettes even when the color is the same.  wtf?

My hair isn't blonde either but you sure couldn't tell it then.  Welcome to Australia.

As I look at it, I remember we never had any particular suntan back then as the 'rents wouldn't have allowed it.  I'm chapping Australia down on the list of possible perps for skin cancer.  I really don't think that did it when periods of solar abuse didn't really come until Cincinnati when kids get old enough to get vain about a suntan.

Those kids aren't burned.  They're barely even pink.  Nope, I don't think Australia did it.


Anonymous said...

I assume they posted tpictures to FB but I sent you one of the couple

Unknown said...

I just looked at them and I sent this back:

Thank you as all three are fantastic and give a prime taste of what it must have been like. What a night, huh?