Sunday, April 2, 2017

Meanwhile the Latest CNN Kangaroo Court Continues Insulting Americans but They Don't Mind

CNN is remarkable as Americans aren't typically so gullible but they hardly protest at all about the rubbish from CNN.  Fox News is arguably better at pretending to be legitimate, possibly because they don't typically run stories about the guy who won fifteen thousand stuffed animal in claw arcade machines.  (CNN:  Really Big Story)

Note:  I don't know what's in CNN and their Really Big Story since, like much of the ubergraphics of the pictures rather than proof Internet, the page did not work in my browser although the title starts out with Chen Zitong won 15,000 ... (shrug).

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton said she's 'ready to come out of the woods' but no-one asked what she was doing in the woods.

Ed:  I'll bite.  What was she doing?

Killing everything she could possibly find.  Obama came up to join her because there's no chance he would miss a backwoods killfest.

Ed:  I thought he was hanging out on Richard Branson's boat?

That was just for appetizers while they talked of way to wreck the public health plan in England.  Obama always gets restless if he goes too long without murdering anyone so he left to join Clinton for that special kind of down home New England bloodfest.

Ed:  what kind is that?

It's about killing Indians, buckaroo.  New England invented the sport.

Note:  that's historically accurate since the second wave of Puritans which arrived in the Boston area was comprised of some stone evil human mutations and they started whacking Indians almost immediately.  Everything had been generally cool until then.

Ed:  you should stop hammering Hillary Clinton since she wasn't the worst person in America.  How about Timothy McVeigh?

He was just a dimestore amateur who didn't even approach how many people Clinton got killed.  Are you seriously going to go with, well, Clinton wasn't as bad as a NAZI war criminal since she probably was better at least than some of those although certainly not all of them.

Unlike Clinton, McVeigh did not kill people and then brag about it.  We came; we saw; he died. 

McVeigh was just a drugstore cowboy as compared to Clinton or Obama.

It's still a mystery when America has so many high-talent women floating around, why did they glom onto the overstuffed baggage of Hillary Clinton, the surrogate Queen of Goldman Sachs.

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