Thursday, April 13, 2017

Maestro Michi Renoir Plays the Tenth Anniversary Party at Cat's MusikCircus

Maestro Michi Renoir is a long-time friend and I have been to see him play many times.  I was not able to attend the Tenth Anniversary Party at Cat's MusikCircus but, fortunately, Michi recorded it.

If I were to jam with anyone in the world, Maestro Michi would be my first choice.  He's highly-talented and he's a lunatic which makes for the finest kind of jammer in the Rockhouse view.

And a bonus ...

A LIMB is Mylene Renoir, no relation to Michi, in Second Life and she offers an unusual composition.  This song will likely make you feel squirmish during the spoken break since it sounds like it may be simple porno and, oh, man, I don't know if I want to be listening to this.  That feeling will likely linger until you notice how she edited that segment.

For something to be ruled legally obscene, it has to be demonstrated that its specific purpose is to cause sexual arousal.  In that legal context, the narration isn't anything like porno and it won't be just from sounding like it might be.  It may make you uncomfortable but that's not porno, that's satire.

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