Friday, September 16, 2016

What's Hot on the Blog 7/15


How Is It - being afflicted by skin cancer in Norway seems unlikely but that intuition is false and even melanoma is not so uncommon there

Quiet Desperation - longanimity means 'long suffering' and who better to sing that song than an English rock band

How About a Rant - Ford is sending all small vehicle production to Mexico so let's get cracking breaking out the burning stakes and the pitch forks

Humans - the puzzle was that humans aren't so different from each other but then I read about the variation which exists in your brains and it's remarkable

And That's - a little bit of strange on a roll

Aging - here's another remarkable thing about our minds as they obviously slow down with age but there are benefits as well so this was another surprise

Pigeon - leadership in humans does not appear to be all that effective if we judge by the election but we're looking at birds instead and they're quite good at it but in different ways from each other

SIRI - one guess at which annoying, nagging sideshow of computer software is coming soon to Apple desktops where it's as desirable as a communicable disease

The Biggest - as to the deep philosophical consideration regarding whether Vladimir Putin or Chelsea Handler has the most impressive nipples

What's Hot

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