Thursday, September 15, 2016

Quiet Desperation is the English Way

Longanimity is another delight of a Word of the Day and in part it gives a smile because spellcheckers don't know it so we can get a brief buzz of feeling lexiconically superior.

(Ed:  'lexiconically?'  Pfft!)

Improv, it's the soul of jazz, man.

The sensation of longanimity is not at all the exclusive province of the English anymore since Yanks have become so damn good at it too and now we have the delicious situation of potentially asking for your forbearance for all the longanimity.  It's ennui at it's non-orgiastic best.  It's not enough anymore to walk ten miles through the snow to school; now you need to have lost your brother and one arm to a Grizzly Bear before it even counts.  Oh, how I suffered.

(Ed:  take it easy, Space Cowboy, as too much of that and people will start turning themselves in voluntarily to the Cuckoo's Nest!)

Tip:  if you're feeling like sucking an automobile exhaust after listening to Pink Floyd then you just may be taking things a tiny bit too seriously.  To really appreciate the longanimity, you need to keep your ass here and suffer with the rest of us.

We love words ... and ganja ... ganja and words.  We do concede there may be some vacillating vagary due to said ganja but, wtf, we're not the ones sucking automobile exhausts.  Shake it off, Bubba.  You will find a better one.  She wasn't the nicest F-150 on the lot if you hear what I'm tellin' you.  Take a tok, it won't hurt a bit.

Wanna listen to some Pink Floyd?

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