Thursday, September 1, 2016

Historians Gather to Study How the GOP Flipped the Democratic Party

Probably no-one argues the Democratic Party has flipped into a phase shift in which they have now traded places with the Republican Party.  That left the Republican Party nowhere to go but they were never good at imagination anyway.  In any case, the last historical precedent for this was in the late 19th Century and historians will gather to study the phenomenon of the present relative to that flip to get more depth on it than future history classes, assuming they're not held in caves, will ever be able to stand without being bored senseless.

(Ed:  so why do you do it?)

Because I'm not the incompetent history prof who doesn't know you're bored senseless; I'm the bad history prof who doesn't give a fuck.  Think Billy Bob Thornton getting drunk while he talks about how Indians hunted dinosaurs in the Great Plains.

Cadillac Man would have become a history prof and whether he would have been good, incompetent or bad as Billy Bob was his course to carve but he got waylaid as many of us did with senseless jobs which 'did little for the content of one's life but at least gave it structure.'  -  Nelson (last name unknown)

Someone has got to remember Nelson as he could be killin' funny.

Maybe someone could also validate the seeming tall tale about how he spoke with an accent which sounded like high-end Brit and that was more or less credible when I heard plenty of that at home.  High-end Brit doesn't necessarily relate to wealth as a destitute pauper may sound like Prince Charles.  Nelson swore he grew up in a small part of Kentucky where everyone spoke that way.  It's all got a tenuous credibility but was never validated and the best tall tales never can be anyway.

Doc did not seem aware of the previous flip of the GOP which I mentioned as 'back when they were the good guys' and he got a wee bit shirty over that.  Maybe we shouldn't have decided not to tell him he got dropped on his head as a kid.  It's all so unclear (larfs).

He started singing the party anthem and I ran away before I could say, 'holy shit, bro.  Did they shoot you with a fucking death ray or what??'  (larfs)

Note:  he wasn't that bent and please do allow a little latitude.

I think he's now yer Gary Johnson man since he was left without a party with the rest of the Repubs and he's damned if he's hanging out with those Democrats.  They don't wash and they stink.

Note:  that's not stink, Doc; that's retail perfume.  Train the senses.  Use the Force, Luke.  Imagine spending eternity stuck in an elevator with a fat woman who bathes in cheap perfume and preaches equality.  Welcome to the New Democratic Party.

There's not likely much or any exaggeration regarding the professorial interest this Democratic Party flip is likely to elicit and we can look for a confirmation from Cadillac Man who, to some extent, does a field study of the matter as it evolves since that gives him a novel perspective relative to the previous flip.  That competes with his interest in the history of soda fountains so the Democratic flip will need to fight hard for his attention.  We shall see.

Similarly to the Republicans, the Democrats were left without a home and we're like Discus babies after one of the parents shakes them off.  We look frantically around for Mama and Jill Stein could be her but she looks more like a fascinating date for a mature gentleman.  She doesn't look like my Mama.

(Ed:  she's gay)

I guess she isn't interested in a date with a mature gentleman then.

Is that true?

(Ed:  who knows.  They say Clinton is gay as well.)

In that case, who cares (larfs).  Throw her some francs, she'll go away.

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