Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Galaxy Guitar Still Twinkles

The Galaxy Guitar only twinkles when she moves and Mystery Lady figured it out that way.  It was brilliant, although not brilliant twinkling as that would have been garish.

It's a lot like catching waves or would be if I ever surfed more than body surfing but that mildly counts.  You feel a bit of wave building so go with it.  Might be a long time until another one.

It would have been cooler to hear than to watch as that was wobbly enough to be embarrassing.  The sound was surprisingly good.  Sometimes Yevette gets a bit melancholy or so and says 'she gets emotional' and sometimes it does get that way although it's not always melancholy driving it.  This is more like a sense of 'I can't believe this is working.  She's sounding kind of sweet.'

There will be a video when that Mandarin Nehru jacket arrives because I need an Old Fucker Attitude Video and it's not a bad attitude but rather it goes straight to what do you do when you can't do a whole lot ... whatever you fucking can (larfs).

And, of course, fashion is my life.  The jacket should arrive September 6.  Since I was in for $20 anyway, I asked them to send the shirt for $10 as well.

As to how this happens, surgery sites are finally getting on with it after more than three weeks.  Skin is incredibly intelligent but it's screwed when there's nothin' there and has to work its way in from the sides.  It finally goes and yeah, yeah, there's the pink stuff.  That's what we want.

The wobbly isn't likely to get a whole lot better but you'll have to put up with a little decrepit since it's all part of The Way anyhow.  Hopefully the eminently cool fashion moment will sufficiently dazzle that I will get away with it.  It's suspension of disbelief and all that.  I actually think the threads will look kind of cool and, wtf, it would cost that to go to the Zoo, a one-time thing as well.  (Insert editorial on how the hell it ever got to cost so much to go to the Zoo.)

I won't use any lasers but will likely use lights although not with any flicker since that gives some viewers a nutso effect and it's physical so either warn so they can bail out or don't do it.  Hmm ... must ask if any change in the lights is tolerable or is it only lasers, etc.  It may be the rapid firing and movement of the lasers is the source since nothing else really strobes.  Must clarify.

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