Monday, May 2, 2016

What's Hot on the Blog 5/2

May 1, 2016, 11 comments
May 2, 2016
May 1, 2016, 12 comments

Demolition - mixed opinions on that crash bang finish yesterday

Sennheiser - with a pic of a pair of these headphones which are some unknown number of years old but many.  These are warriors!

Option Y - my favorite band in Second Life and they really are a band playing in the Providence, RI, area.  The article includes their latest video with a live set from Cat's Art MusikCircus.

What's Hot - yesterday's run

The Complete - a bit of verbiage regarding the mess of things states rights make including this fiasco of an election

Has SaveMe - visual artist in Second Life who does phenomenal work it's tapering now but the article was smokin' yesterday

You Know - the you know you're old setup is only used for a one-liner to open.  A story follows and hopefully you find it amusing.  Is it possible to make a colonoscopy funny.  Well, see for yourself.

Saving - about butterfly bushes and butterflies really will come

Twitticisms - a bit of madness from the Twitter world

What Happened - finger pointing is a big part of NASCAR and divides teams vividly.  Your driver can do no wrong but, man, those other guys, they're dangerous.

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