Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Auto Parts Store Clerk Speaks for Trump @WesSeid

There won't be anything from him because he's an obvious paid stooge.  He only follows seven people and only has twenty people following him.  He either only started Twitter yesterday (i.e. not true) or he's the loneliest Donald Trump supporter in the Universe (i.e. probably true) but that doesn't obviate the fact he's getting paid for it.

Here are some from the stream with him.  Some are missing because my response must have been too something or other for him.

@searchforithaka Yeah, look at all the "fine young" #feelthebern ppl go to #Trump rallies & violate Safe Spaces & shut down speech. 

Note:  rebuttal removed by Seid.  Apparently the fool thinks that will make a difference after it's already been distributed.

@searchforithaka ppl who drive brooms in warehouses are still better than aggressive ppl who hate 1st A destroy property & chant for Bernie.

@WesSeid We talk real campaign issues. You talk childish chickenshit. Learn the difference. Try not to waste any more of my time.

@searchforithaka My argument is valid. Yours is not. Aggressive protesters at #Trump rallies who hate 1st A usually chant for #feelthebern

Congratulations! You're an obvious paid stooge (too few connections to be real) and you're today's blog feature story. Idiot. @WesSeid

Note:  any links / tags for Trump have been removed as he only baits so he can draw more stooges through advertising his suffering like he's fucking Joan of Arc burning at the stake.

What you see is quite likely one of the most stupid people in America and a classic example.  No-one would work as a paid stooge for Trump unless he has a job which is completely worthless or no job at all.  These are precisely the people Bernie Sanders can help because he's the only one who will do anything for jobs in America.  Donald Trump has no clue of it and Hillary Clinton will keep sending them overseas, just like Bill Clinton did before her.

Note:  she said she changed her mind on TPP but what in her statement gives you even the faintest confidence she will not change it back after her Fairy Godmother election.

There's today's portrait of a Trump supporter (i.e. simulacrum) and from his own words, pitiful though they may be.

Note:  media reports Clinton is sending these kinds of paid snipers out onto social networks as well.  She can't win by her argument so she resorts to the tactics of amateurs:  guile and deceit.

Note:  the above will be my last exchange with them.  I only needed some content from a so-called real one to demonstrate the point.  He, whatever he is, has now gone to history, albeit on the back page.

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