Thursday, May 5, 2016

Solidarnösc with Bernie Sanders in 2016

The political and media establishment seem to think that this race is over. But our victory in Indiana on Tuesday showed that the voters had a very different idea about that.

Our path to the nomination is narrow, and it's an uphill one. But we have been fighting uphill from the first day of this campaign. And we believe every voter in every state deserves their right to weigh in on the choice of a presidential nominee – and the future direction of our party.

With hundreds of delegates at stake in the upcoming contests, we need to talk to as many voters as possible this weekend and spread Bernie's message far and wide.

Will you join us?

The next states to go to the polls are West Virginia, Kentucky and Oregon. These are all places where we have a chance to do very well.

We're in this fight through the Democratic convention, because every vote and every delegate we earn is a show of support for our movement and our values, as well as an opportunity to shape the political agenda in this election and in the years ahead. So we hope you'll stand with us.

In solidarity

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