Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Evangelicals as a Voting Bloc Prove Themselves Absolutely Worthless

There are good ones and bad ones but mostly the ones we see are the bad ones, Ted Cruz, etc.  That guy has been priceless as the Harvard graduate has pandered to low-end evangelicals like he has never lived on anything but the dirt from Golgotha.  Humility drips from him in large, greasy drops.

This guy is hilarious!  Regrettably for him and happily for us, he has shown us the complete lack of power of evangelicals except to bash and annoy as they have for the last eight years at least.

Get it straight on the slam as I'm talking about evangelicals who want to write religion into the Constitution.  Any time anyone ever wants to Iranize the Constitution, you damn sure believe there will be resistance.  It's not now nor has it ever been a religious tract and it should never be molded into one as was done with 'In God We Trust' in the fifties.  There isn't one forefather who ever breathed who said he wanted that but the GOP red baiters knew better.

From the Rockhouse, I like to believe my own situation is about as American as any perception of religion can be as hopefully you have seen the truth of it already when I say I really do accept whatever you believe about religion is true.  I won't accept the rules from the thousands of world religions but there is one shared premise which justifies all of them and I'm fine with that.  The shared premise I'll keep and you all can have a nice day on whichever variant you like.  What else can you really do with religion since any other position will usually end up in combat.

We really, really want religion out of these political contests because we solidly believe they have disgraced the contests and they have disgraced the religions with phony photo ops of them praying, etc, etc.  It's been one of the most revolting displays imaginable and Moses would have smashed the tablets simply from that view alone.

(Ed:  most of the politicians weren't Jews!)

Oh, I'm sure that seriously mattered to Moses, didn't it!

You can see what Catholicism becomes by listening to Pope Francis.  Then we take a look at Washington.  Nah, he didn't do it.  I'm not defensive for Catholicism, I just like what Francis says.

Kannafoot is strongly Catholic and we have no problem.  He has never been seen praying publicly and definitely not in public displays on Facebook where they sometimes pray to win the PowerBall or something bestial like that.  That kind of solid but generally silent commitment to religion we respect.  That he does not need to sell it shows us he really believes it.  We rarely believe the commitment of those who talk about it a lot on Facebook and they are usually dumped quickly from my list.

Fair dinkum, we really do accept what you believe.  We don't much want the rules but the belief is fine.  Well, here's one condition for you:  "I can't believe in a God that can't dance" - Paul Delph

Everything we see can dance in some kind of way.  We rest that case.

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