Thursday, May 5, 2016

About That Trump / Sanders Presidential Debate

This is the far and away preference of the Rockhouse and, grit yer teeth, I'll tell you why.


See, was that so hard.

(Ed:  yah but they're crazy ideas!)

Those are the best kind, mate.

Even if they sound completely insane to you, they may, in fact, reflect the actual Will of the People.  We specifically reject Hillary Clinton as her ideas are only pre-digested pap from some committee of robot Democrats who tell her what to say.  We want the originals, Sanders and Trump.

(Ed:  what if the Will of the People is crazy anyway?)

Then I have one tiny question:  just how the hell did you propose to do anything sane with them anyway and, sure, let's hear a definition of sanity.

Oh, oh, oh, this isn't original but I love the irony:  did you notice all the people who said God told them to run ... have dropped out.

Regardless of yer philosophical persuasion, that's got to be funny.  That's part of why we loathe Hillary Clinton as she was throwing out in the debates gratuitous references to God like a cheap highway billboard.

Original ideas, that's what we want and, in fact, the crazier the better.  The Reagan Revolution was supposed to be such a crazy idea but, listen to the lyrics of "I'd Love to Change the World" since the same problem existed twenty years before him, he only made it worse.

We don't want some committee of corporate clowns deciding what's crazy as We, the People, can decide very well for ourselves and we haven't noticed any spectacular wisdom from corporate America anyway.

(Ed:  you want crazy ideas?  How about that Ark of Genesis?)

That's not crazy.  It's not even new but, wtf, you will vote on that too.  You sure have that in your tour plans for this Summer, don't you (larfs).

(Ed:  I just want to see Moses smash it into splinters!)

Fair enough.  I'll ride with you if you like as that would be one hilarious groove.  You go, Moses!

We don't just want crazy ideas, we love them.  What will you tell the Wright Brothers about crazy ideas, huh?

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